الخميس، 16 أبريل 2020

God wrote to my heart love Vanart

God wrote to my heart love Vanart universe beauty make me I am my heart boyfriend and I sighed longing

Naaddiqha make me my Lord of desires make me, O Lord, from my living and solvers and make her love Sa'di and Hinai and make her love the light of my happiness i ask my Lord love and Lodha asked God to endure her love and happy to her heart and her family ** O my Lord do not blame me on Her love, your love is sweeter than witnessed ** My heart is shining with its lights and the light of God, the hope of the lover ** I gathered my soul with her soul, and gathered us in your high paradise, so I will be happy. Pei reason Saadha ** Lord gave the love thou holy love I love ** O my Lord Do you have sinned her love Vqlby prisoner of your love and Habhaagvr Li Lord lapses my heart thou merciful with my heart and her heart God wrote to my heart love Vanart universe beauty of God asked to endure her love and happy to her heart and her family my Lord do not blame me on Her love is your love bigger

Why do you always blame me for my silence ..
As long as I talked a lot, you don't get me.

I do not need and do not beg anyone and leave me an alert
I have no desire to create a problem.

And behind my silence all "disappointment" and not ignore ..

Something unfortunate when you understand me wrong in a moment I strive for your happiness.
Then they all leave ...
It remains for you that you killed for them ..

Honest loyal ...
Who have no friends now .. !!

They told you one day ..
They are different and the years will not change them ... !!

Tell me .. !!
Where are they now ...?

For the safety of your heart ..
Do not overestimate the concerns

Even if I give them everything that is beautiful

You will end up alone.
And you will cry a lot ..

Your life will never be the same again.

You rush to pay attention today
Reflect your shock strength tomorrow

And because each person deals with you according to your importance to him ..

Do not ask absent about the reason for his absence ..
And don't be blamed for the late responses ..

Pity does not beg of anyone ..
Whoever desires you knows how to protect you ..

Five secrets make you never "broken":

1. Trust in God alone.

2. Don't make money the engine of your life.

3. Don't let your feelings lead you alone.

4. Never mind the words and deeds of those around you.

5. Don't be late in making your decisions.

..... Who do you think? Three things in life without a return (speech - opportunity - time)

Three things in life get uncertain (dreams - success - wealth)

Three things in life that make you a great person (hard work - sincerity - success)

Three things in life are invaluable (love - self esteem - friends)

Three things in life that destroy a person (greed, vanity, and anger to trivialize him)

You have to be nice to people as you rise up
Because you can meet them on the way out.

Poetry, beauty, romance, love.

. It is what keeps us restricted from life.
Some dream of success, while others dream
They wake up to work hard and get energetic

Learning this place makes me wonder
What would be worse?
To live as a monster or to die as a good man.

"When you stop chasing the wrong things,
You give the right things a chance to meet you. "

Any woman who leaves her perfume while she passes by the men while they smell scent is an adulterer, "calling them not to put perfumes on their way out of the house, so that this does not cause the desire of men, and so they are not said to be prostitutes.

Love Law:
The idea of ​​love at its primary and basic level means acceptance, for those who love you accept you as you are, then they expect you to realize their acceptance of you despite your shortcomings, mistakes, and everything that you consider unacceptable to yourself, and they know that you are incomplete and need to develop more than you are right Now. But not being your owner does not prevent them from accepting you, for love gives you unconditional acceptance.

2 - The herd of curious people does not entice you to reveal the causes of divorce and do not respond to the temptations of emotion and pain reservoirs to satisfy the things that were stuck in yourself from the sediments, and venting about the volcanoes of worry, so let the case and the article always be the case if the question about the cause of divorce (God wrote a share).
3- Forget the past and make sure that the persistence in thinking about the troubles of the past and reflecting on its dark images will suffocate you and disable your capabilities and suffice what you suffered from troubles and know that life is more beautiful and shorter than wasting in looking back, it is always better to improve our present to rejoice in it and to make the most beautiful future we deserve.
4- Be as you are and do not cost any behavior to satisfy others and you and take the role of the victim in abundance of complaint and persist in pain. Don't go on talking or thinking about his past experience, trust yourself and don't act like a sin you are trying to prove.
5- How wonderful is that the divorced woman feels love and respect for herself, and your outlook for yourself is positive, shining and does not slip into the quagmire of self-flagellation and self-injustice. If you are the reason for divorce, praise be to God in any case, and that nation has been vacant and the days that have gone and been postponed. Weaknesses in your personality, and if you are wronged, there is a mighty one who counts, young and old, and a day will come when you will be victorious.
6- Mix with others and you and isolation because of your new situation, so you are not the first to be afflicted and you will not be the last.
7 - Beware of bad remembrance of the husband or his family to (everyone), no matter how severe the dispute, and the feelings of oppression are great, especially in front of (the children), it is still their father and his family are their family.
8- Reflect on the positive things that you acquired in your new life, such as being free from many (burdens of the home), and that there is pregnancy that has been thrown on your shoulders, in addition to having escaped

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المصرى: الجمعة، 2 أبريل 2010 كيف تحاور..؟ كيف تحاور..؟ -  أبريل 02, 2010   ليست هناك تعليقات:    إرسال بالبريد الإلكتروني كتابة مدونة حول ه...