الجمعة، 3 أبريل 2020

Four leads to four:

Four leads to four:
     Silence to safety.
     Righteousness to dignity.
     Generosity to sovereignty.
     Thanks for the increase.
 Whoever uses his money to preserve his dignity is rational ...
       It was used by the multiplication of his friends is wise.....
       Whoever uses it to obey Allaah is an optimist...
 Sufyan ate al-Thawri at night until full. Then he said that if the donkey was added to his feed, he was added to his work, so he rose and prayed until morning.
 Small minds discuss people ...
        Medium minds discuss things ........
        Big minds discuss principles ...
If you want to be loved, be sure to show your mistakes, not your advantages.
 Whoever uses his money to preserve his dignity is rational ...
       It was used by the multiplication of his friends is wise.....
       Whoever uses it to obey Allaah is an optimist...
They asked me and I answered

They asked me and this was my answer:

He said: What are the most beautiful characteristics of a woman?

I said: tenderness

He said: The most beautiful qualities of a man?

I said: Mercy

He said: The most beautiful thing in childhood?

I said: innocence

He said: The most beautiful thing in young people?

I said: dreams

He said: The most beautiful thing in old age?

I said: piety

He said: The most beautiful thing in masculinity?

I said: wisdom

He said: What are the finest types of patience?

 I said: When patience and contentment meet

He said: Are there degrees of contentment?

I said: Yes, there is contentment and contentment

Patience and conviction of asceticism and the last finest species

He said: What does it mean tenderness?

I said: to rest a person to a beach yet

A tiring travel journey, and finding a chest that hurts him without his troubles

Fear, begging, price, or

He said: What are the finest types of love?

I said: Motherhood because it is love without return and giving without price

He said: What are the highest degrees of morals?

I said: that a person walks himself

The minor is not a fear of anyone, but an appreciation of his self and called himself

For love

 For virtue

He said: Which is the highest degree of pardon or forgiveness?

I said: Pardon is the highest degree because pardon is close to ability, but tolerance may come close to weakness and may tolerate

A person is compelled but does not forgive him unless he is satisfied

He said: What about success?

I said: A person dries his sweat with a refreshing summer breath. The best thing about success is that he feels the value of what we do

It is the widest gateway to trust, and may also be the broadest gateway to vanity

He said: How do vanity trees grow in the depths of a person?

I said: With people I made by chance or a passing opportunity, and chance and opportunity are the lowest grades in a ladder


He said: What is the difference between persistence and determination?

I said: Insistence is a passing guest, determination is a resident friend, and determination insists on ambition and determination backed by will

And ambition changes with different days, people and circumstances, but the will is stronger than all circumstances

He said: Who are you?

I said: A human being lost his life in search of the truth of things and discovered that the only certain truth

It is death and everything after that is possible interpretation. Didn't I tell you it is a losing deal but we are even playing it?

The end, whatever the size of our loss.
When you rush to ask about others when you miss them, you are a wonderful person

Highness of self means to rise above everything that defects yourself.
It brings humiliation and humiliation to her, whether by thinking .. by doing. Or in words ..
When you transcend yourself you find that there are many people like you ..
As well as many of you who are without you ..

Highness of self means refraining from going into trifles.
Abstaining from market sitting ..

 Self-sufficiency ..
One of the greatest qualities that are absent from humans ..
Self-sufficiency ..

Some of our lives are like rain
With its beauty, smell and surprises;
A thousand flowers are grown inside us;
And he leaves a smile that fills the heart with life

Each slap teaches you a lesson, and every fall trains you to stand up well. Every harsh experience leaves you with a memory of wisdom. Every stab provides you with more stability, so you don't get tired.
 * Morning glow * ☀
Arise shook hands in the morning sorrows migrate
They have been defeated by dusk
Raise your voice, remembrance of Allah, with a smile
And I seek refuge in the Lord of people and divine *
* Good morning, happiness and success *
☆ * Morning remembrances * ☆

"Love yourself" because if you love her, you will make her the best, the most beautiful, the most correct, the smartest, and the most greedy, and therefore all people will love her and your fish will be more
I see in the mirror .... national my eyes in the mirror, if you see how you like it ... it remains like all people, so let the people see you with your eyes

Transparency and a sense of perception
The relationship directly between the increase in these characteristics and the speed and strength of the impact of the message on you
Meaning when I feel a great affection sweep me towards someone for no reason

Loving ones are more able to take risks, especially since their souls have become familiar as the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - says: (Souls are enlisted soldiers, what you know is not a coalition, and what you disagree with is different) .. So when the souls come together, the opportunity grows by the presence of risk .. And from these Loving ones: members of the same family, good friends, the mother’s feeling when her children are in trouble, some feeling the death of a member of his family ..

Telepathy is a permission to receive the energy released by anyone’s mind and analyze it in the mind of the future, meaning that he realizes the thoughts of others and knows what is going on in their minds, and he can also send his thoughts and insert them into the minds of others.

1- Focusing attention:
The focus of attention should be 100% in the case of risky practices ... We should not be preoccupied with thinking ... what will happen ... will we succeed or not ?? .
We must have the desire to focus attention ... provided that the focus is not an effort ... We, as we focus, leave this focus automatically:
Either we use focus with an idea related to a specific word or concept ... we used to repeat the word "car" ... or any other word that is not related to our aspirations or our daily problems ... so that we can focus on it ... without effort or stress ... Consciously getting to a stage of discontinuation of thinking ... ??
 Telepathy is different, as it means receiving the energy coming from anyone’s mind and analyzing it in the future mind, so that he realizes the thoughts of others, that is, he works to reconcile his senses to receive the electromagnetic field

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المصرى: الجمعة، 2 أبريل 2010 كيف تحاور..؟ كيف تحاور..؟ -  أبريل 02, 2010   ليست هناك تعليقات:    إرسال بالبريد الإلكتروني كتابة مدونة حول ه...