الأربعاء، 29 أبريل 2020

Are you psychologically balanced?

Human health is not complete without mental health. People who lack psychological stability are victims of failure, addiction, violence, and committing

Perhaps we needed a million collective crying, not crying anger or sadness, but a discharge of emotions that made us lose a degree of psychological balance.
Belonging to the patriot is acquired values ​​that are cultivated by the political system and fostered by social practices
Affiliation is a psychological need if there is a lack of psychological equilibrium

The psychological balance test .. !!: the psychological balance test

Are you psychologically balanced?

 Do not hurry to solve the problem .. Nothing happens in day and night..It is important to maintain psychological balance..It is the beginning of your solution
 Of course, the psychological equilibrium of the National Assembly and the Council of Ministers is very important because their recent conflicts have extracted the psychological equilibrium from the people: (A
 A goal, not about himself.

Jealousy shows your relationship with yourself and not your relationship with the other party. Jealousy shows the extent of psychological balance and inner strength. Start yourself and fix it. Let the convoy go.

Marriages do not fail due to differences and problems, they fail because of psychological imbalance and weak ability to solve and face challenges and problems.

Anxiety, frustration and mental illness Symptoms of a state of loss of intellectual, emotional and behavioral balance ...
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It differs according to priorities, personality, and stage. I am in a position (2) better in terms of psychological stability, at least, an idea that I do not need to enter into my life, and I prefer it to the importance that deserves it. If I could be the darkest person this is with me

Among the controversy sparked
Shayfeen A is the best time to get involved in assuming you are a single
Before you take any step in your life, the decision will be shared with your partner (1).
After you draw your life and show someone that suits you and that your plan agrees with him (2)

Among the features of psychological equilibrium are:

More tolerance

Respect the difference of opinion

You take care to make judgments

Be patient with decisions

Become more mature in your realization of life

Silence is preferred in any frivolous argument

Make yourself happy

Better selection of friends

We, the group, must raise the palm of arms to God and praise him, because our symbols have enough psychological balance that they do not communicate with them the condition for adolescence, adolescence and insignificance, which is when most symbols of the trivial club h Alwadi 3 da smiling face

What are the first things I share in my friendships? I am looking for psychological balance, breadth, and lightness. It is important that I feel safe with someone who does not contradict himself and understands its shortcomings. It is also important to accept the difference between the other and the sense of humor. There is nothing wrong with some blunders, that is contained in all of us, but I am very interested in feeling safe and positive.

From the aspects of the greatness of the Qur’an created by the psychological and spiritual equilibrium of his readers, so you find the Qur’an confirming the meanings and repeating them.
This comes in several ways, including:
Crimes. "
 The finest dealing with the soul is self-tolerance, it gives you stability and psychological calm, an enemy who feels hard with self-love and acceptance, and you feel your soul more lightly with a swan

Your sense of your eyes rotates any bad feeling or attitude and accepts it as a punishment in order to deserve it in exchange for a wrong mistake.
 Elements of psychological stability: a person's love for himself and others.
As for the selfish, he is a person who loves nothing but himself and only wishes good for him alone ..!
Psychological equilibrium.
Feeling stressed and distressed.
Feeling of inner happiness.
- The eloquence of the tongue.
- The power of memory.
Low incidence of neurological diseases.

 God said ﷻ “He who follows my guidance will not be led astray or misled.”

Psychological peace, which I express from my internal philosophy with calmness, tranquility, and complete satisfaction, gives you the strength for an interior to exercise self-control and deepen thoughts and clarity in words and deeds, helps you to make the best and most successful decisions, these benefits of psychological balance protect you from internal noise that is useless.

Welcome to the world of psychological and physical balance
And I am very happy that there are those who benefit from what I put on my page. There is a wonderful enough for everyone in this universe.

Among the features of psychological equilibrium are:

More tolerance

Respect the difference of opinion

How and the importance of instilling # patriotism in the hearts of #children, as it is considered one of the most important things to be instilled in children, because the higher the level of psychological equilibrium in the child was significantly better أخضر a green heart

Be patient with decisions

Become more mature in your realization of life

Silence is preferred in any frivolous argument

Make yourself happy

Better selection of friends

Accept and overcome the pitfalls of life

The psychological and nervous equilibrium is achieved not because of the lack of external influences but by equating it with the appropriate reactions to protect the person from its impact so that the psychological and nervous equilibrium is achieved

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