الأربعاء، 31 يوليو 2019

People resort to these alleged 'causes' to deceive themselves and cover up their weaknesses, even though they have used the time and effort to deceive better in addressing these flaws and shortcomings, so they did not have to invent a reason to blame their failure.
You have the key to overcome the causes of these pseudo-failures, this key is cravings to succeed
 Whoever has a burning desire for success will succeed, and this is the beginning of the road to success
A healthy mind needs a healthy body, and both must be upgraded to live a healthy healthy life.

The first thing is to identify the energy thieves needed for our lives, the first of which is the digestion itself, which requires blood - the means of transmitting energy to the entire body - to turn 80% of it to the stomach when filling the latter with food.

 We raise our energy levels - physically, mentally and psychologically?

Sports and exercises, and then write each of us for his goals in life, and reviewed every day to find out how much we have achieved them, and then finally self-immolation in a comfortable place conducive to psychological comfort and calm and balance.
Being a person for the moment of his collapse is an unforgettable moment for him
Deceiving yourself and closing your eyes on thoughts, feelings and behaviors that do not make you happy is a major cause of lack of growth and happiness.
I would like to mention a linguistic information, namely the meaning of the word luck in Arabic, which is the translation of the word Luck in English - this translation is deficient, as the definition of luck in Arabic is the share, in the Koran we find the verse: (and only those who received patience, But in the language it is said that we have a fortune of strength, and a woman with a lot of beauty, all of which means the share of fate. Did our Arab ancestors not know - or do not admit - what it was called luck today?
One of the mechanisms of psychological defense called reverse reaction .. As an example of times when we need a strong but what we can get or rejected by the community, we do not consciously show an aversion to them ... and Chloe deception of the self because of the sensitivity of everything that walk completely

The sale of the body personal freedom - the difference in that) But dressing the dress of freedom is a kind of self-deception and exercise that freedom under the cover accepted by a part of society
💕 The worst thing we do ourselves is sometimes
Is to continue to deceive ourselves and use
Of the words what does not agree with their meanings
The real we are ashamed of naming things
With their correct names, or see in
The pseudonyms have nothing to hide
About us and others are some of their brutality
True trust in the soul is based on the appreciation of the intelligence of the achievements and is not derived from the glorification of others and their faith in them.

Some people start to talk about himself until he starts from where he does not feel starts to add atoms of lying to his speech and begins to glorify the self and polishing it and describes the qualities not in the fool himself before deceiving others
Your self and your devil have the ability to deceive your mind in the most, subject your mind to the justifications of yourself and your devil.
The problem is that these justifications (convincing justifications) and therefore your mind is fooled by 'but even though they are convincing but they (justifications) and the meaning of the pretexts that they are tricky tricks to exercise their desires but in a way accepted by your mind and accepted by some people

Gathering those who know God that: the sins of retreat are the origin of setbacks. The worshipers of the occult are the greatest causes of steadfastness. The people who have knowledge of Allah have agreed that sins committed in solitude are the root of retrogression (going back to a life of sin), and that good deeds done in hiding are the greatest causes of steadfastness. "

- Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah

The achievements and successes of today are the dreams and fantasies of yesterday, imagining the beginning of innovation, which is more important than the knowledge itself, which is the world in which we live. Many of the dreams were the subject of ridicule the world before it is achieved,
Knowledge alone is not enough, it must be accompanied by practical application, and preparation alone is not enough, it must work

Everything you expect with complete confidence will actually happen in your life.

Dr traveled abroad with his family, and in the background of his mind had a negative idea that his house will be stolen
People fail sometimes, not because of a lack of capacity, but a lack of commitment.
 The score dropped overall. Teams that work together tend to outperform those who work on their own. Harmonious teams can divide large to small tasks by each member of the team, while the individual can not do so and if he does, he will be less efficient than the teams. It is not a matter of making decisions based on a vote, but on the basis of consultation and exchange of views and advice from team members.

Yes, optimism and positive ideas are desperately needed, but this does not negate the possibility of obstacles and repercussions that must be prepared in advance. The road is not paved with roses.

Always make an alternative plan, but more than one plan.

Self-discipline is self-control, the only quality that makes a person do extraordinary things, which is the power that brings you to a better life. Perseverance destroys any resistance, and it is one of the keys to success.

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