الأربعاء، 6 فبراير 2019

The Western countries exporting these monsters are terrified of returning to them after achieving their objectives, objectives, plans and ambitions, and to confirm this we see the politicians and leaders of France trembling with fear and fear of what they planted. This applies to all the countries that have recruited, trained, armed, supported and funded their research and waste. To kill the Syrian, Iraqi, Yemeni, Libyan and Tunisian people, to rape him and sell him, to displace him, to represent him and torture him in front of the cameras of the world, to destroy and destroy his country and to destroy his civilization and divide it. Is this sensible for America and its allies, invading Afghanistan and burning green and land for The history of Iraq, Syria, and Yemen is one of the first and oldest of mankind's creations. How does the Secretary-General of the United Nations look to us today to say that Against what is happening in Syria and that means the city and the civilization of Palmyra destroyed by their terrorism, because the blood of the people who shed at the hands of those who sit on the chair does not care, and what cares and the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and his followers and servants in the Gulf who finance and help and incite to achieve the security and safety of Israel, Accused and spend their holidays with their masters

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