الخميس، 31 يناير 2019

the sedition of adoration

علام الغيوب ..
And how the sedition of adoration has ended in hell.
And their taste is painful.
How much has been removed from grace .. and converted from a curse ..
If I asked blessings .. What did you get?
Worries and sorrows .. What brought you?
And wellness .. What drove you away?
Wester .. What revealed you?
And face .. What do I go to light and your anger?
To answer your case:
This is a felony of love for his companions .. If they were sensible ..
Yes .. I talk about love ..
Because the spread of forbidden relations .. does not harm the actors only .. It was the year of God that when the appearance of adultery intensified anger of the mighty ..
'Abd-Allaah ibn Mas'ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: What is proven is riba and adultery in a village, except Allaah has permitted it to be destroyed.
In the hadeeth of al-Hasan, which is related to Ibn Majah and others, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "No adulterer has ever appeared in a people until they declare it, except for the plague and the pains that were not passed on to their predecessors."
And how many girl lost her youth .. And exposed her family .. Or killed herself because of what she calls love ..

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