الاثنين، 28 يناير 2019

High-calorie foods Thinness is a

High-calorie foods Thinness is a serious problem, such as obesity. [3] Weight gain may sometimes be as difficult as trying to reduce it. Eating high-calorie foods helps to increase weight. These foods include: Rice is a low-cost carbohydrate source, and is suitable for weight gain. One cup (165 grams) of cooked rice contains 190 calories, 43 grams of carbohydrates and low fat, and although it is considered a high-calorie food, easy to digest and digest, A lot of it is not a matter of course D, to contain some types of rice on arsenic, which leads to the occurrence of metal poisoning, and phytec acid, which interferes with the absorption of iron, zinc, and reduce. Nuts and butter: Nuts are a good food for those who want to increase their weight. One of the almonds, for example, contains 7 grams of protein and 18 grams of fat. Eating two servings of nuts a day can add hundreds of calories to the diet. The dishes and some juices are an ideal choice for weight gain, provided they do not contain added oils or sugar. Avocado: Unlike other fruits, avocados are excellent for weight gain because they are calorie-dense. One avocado (200 grams) contains 322 calories, 29 grams of fat, 17 grams of fiber, and contains many minerals , And vitamins, which are versatile, apart from eating fresh, and adding them to cooked dishes, can also be added to the sandwiches. Dark chocolate: In addition to containing dark chocolate on fiber, antioxidants and magnesium, it is calorie dense and suitable for people who want to increase their weight. Each one of them has a weight of 100 grams. It contains 600 calories. It is recommended to eat dark chocolate containing 70 Cocoa or more. Healthy oils and fats: Adding one tablespoon of healthy oils to sauces, salads, or food while cooked can increase 135 calories on food, and one should avoid vegetable oils treated. Healthy oils include extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil and coconut oil. Fast-food: Fast food is the most energy-intensive food, as studies have shown that the fast-food medium contains twice as much calories as a healthy, healthy meal. People should choose healthy food even if they want to gain weight. [2] [3] Candy and chips: Both candies and chips contain large amounts of sugar, fat, and are high in calories. Fatty milk: Despite the health benefits of milk products, some products such as butter, cheese and cream contain very high calorie intake, so they should be consumed moderately. [2] Weight gain Eating foods such as dune, soda or soda can earn people Lean, but they destroy health, so be careful to The weight of a slim person is healthy. One of the most important steps to gaining weight is to eat more calories than to burn the body. To gain weight slowly and steadily, 300 to 500 calories can be increased on a person's caloric needs. Many proteins that are the basic block of the body mass So it is important not only to increase the weight of fat, it is important to eat the calorie-rich foods that are not harmful to health, which have been mentioned earlier, and the addition of spices and sauces for food increase the desire to eat. [3] Refrain from drinking water before meals, because The water enhances the feeling of fullness. Increase the number of servings per person. Drink whole milk, milk is considered an excellent food because it contains high quality proteins, in addition to calories. Use larger dishes, because small dishes make the person eat less. Sleep deep and adequate, because sleep has a role in muscle growth. stop smoking. Video Foods that contain high calories Do you follow a diet to reach your ideal weight? If you watch the video to avoid foods that contain high calories:

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