الأحد، 15 يوليو 2018

Are you good or stupid?
1 - Ok because you are weak personal
2- Or because you are a man of your good qualities
3 - Or you are good self already
The hatred is one of your qualities? ...
What happens to you when you love?
1 - I do not care about that
2 - care for the degree of love as a whole
3 - concern for emotional satisfaction first
4. Spiritual and mental harmony

 Love is you number two in your priorities

 We are small but our spirit is the one who failed !!!
 Love and friendship rarely go side by side. It is easier for you to become a friend of a man to become a friend of a woman, especially if that woman is attractive. Throughout my life I have known few who have succeeded in getting friendship and love together.

 Hearts as children are hard to convince her to give up her choice
She told me the love of me --- and I know the longing
She told me that my heart is free --- Mali in love lover
She asked me where the road ----- and Mali in the beating of a companion

 Underline A line .... Self tends to those who demonstrate it

And even when you are tired and happy .. Sweet night.
He dies, my punishment, and I die.
My love my love my love kairo 😂
7 notes
Ooh really need .. You Btohshini Oi!
- Min said that the pain is not felt .. No pain in your eyes and in your spirit and in your absence and in your sleep.
- I know that the period when every need is close
 Part of your love for the person who is with you is your love for yourself and you are with the person and the picture is not your own

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