الأحد، 15 يوليو 2018

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stood on people sitting and said, "I will not tell you that you are okay." Please good and believe in evil and thank you of not kindly and does not believe evil) (1)
The most beautiful thing in the world is that it is composed, composed, loved and loved, and if you suffer the intensity you find the distressed and the strange and the stranger and the stranger around you ... love is not flattery, and the participation is not compassionate and compassionate, and this approach is what is keen to consolidate Islam to make the society unique texture wonderful , When the meaning of all Muslims between Islam, they have acquired the brothers inherent and therefore the rights of some of them to some, and the more confused the description of increased rights, such as kinship and neighboring and hospitality and friendship and friendship and brotherhood special in God Almighty

(The best of the best of the good and believes in evil) any of the good people hope for his part and secure the evil of his part (and thank you for not good and does not believe evil) Any and thank you of people do not hope for good for them on his part, not safe from evil, but please better than He is known for his good deeds and his fame for him, and for the good of his goodness, the hearts are secure from his evil, and when the faith is strong in the heart of the servant of the good and the security of his evil. Al-Mawardi said: This hadeeth indicates that a person's justice with his due diligence is obligatory, and that he should have three things: leave the elongation, avoid the humiliation, and stop the harm, because leaving the elongation is thousands, and the humiliation is more favorable and the harm is fairer. And these things, if they do not get rid of the competent ones faster, they will cross the enemies and spoil and spoil. (2) And the narrator of the hadeeth said (he said that three times), they did not understand the meaning of the distinction.
This beautiful Hadith is an origin in the morale with creation, by using with them the conditions of literature, modesty, and beautiful creation, and does not show them what he dislikes from others for himself, and to take people's mirror for himself, whatever he dislikes and avoids him from saying or doing or creating Vljntbh and loved him And he encouraged him to do it

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