الأربعاء، 13 يونيو 2018

Types of style:

Types of style:
- Like the good: who followed the Prophet -  -.
- Bad example: who contradicted what the Prophet came -  -.
3 - the importance of having a good example.
1. A Muslim is required to call for his religion, and a similar means in that.
2. Advocacy is a good invitation already.
3. A good example encourages others to do the same.
4. The presence of good example persuades others that the attainment of degrees greater than they are possible they can do.
5. That the subject is subject under a microscope watching in his movements and actions and his words without knowing.
6. He may have benefited people from good character without feeling.
7. It is a good example to stay away from the accusation that your saying is contrary to your actions.
4 - Islam is keen to find a good example.
1 - The wise street vowed to contravene saying to do.
2 - The wise street made to those who feel the reward of those who feel good in it.
3 - The wise street is made to the one who Tosei by him and the one who will dwell in evil.
4 - The wise street is the disobedient.
5 - Desired qualities in the tentative:
a . Good attitude, and good morals:
* Honesty.
* Patience.
* mercy .
* Compassion.
* the dream .
B . Approval of say and action.
T . Science .
W. Do not expand the clarifiers.
6 - The negative effects of the loss of good example:
1 - There is a distorted generation believes something and contradicts what he believes.
2 - Educators raised hypocrisy.
3 - Encourages the denial of the law of God.
4 - It may have been a temptation for those who do not know Islam to know the truth.
5 - The enemies of God will not face the image of Islam, but must be the truth.
7. Obstacles of institutionalization.
1. Follow the customs and traditions.
2 - weakness of faith and control of fancy and lusts.
3 - to contradict the words of his character.
4 - to conceal the manner of his work.
5 - Distortion of the image of those who are supposed to despair of it.
8 - Education as a class.
A - First to do what he orders and ends with what he finishes.
(B) the manner in which he or she may be acted upon;
9 - Examples of roles:
1 - The Prophet -  -.
2 - The life of the companions:
a . In worship.
B . Seeking knowledge .
T . In the call to God.
Reference: Ascension of good advances - Abdul Rahman return - home.

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