الأربعاء، 13 يونيو 2018


The concept of the word Islam in its comprehensive meaning means: surrender to the Creator and the Almighty, it is the name of the religion that came all the prophets and messengers. (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to his people: "I ordered that I be a Muslim." Yunus: 72. And Jacob is recommended to his children {My son, God has chosen religion for you, you will not die unless you are Muslims. Or were ye martyrs, when Jacob came to death, saying to his sons, What do you worship after me, saying, We serve your God and the God of your fathers Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac, one God, and we have Muslims? And Moses says to his people (Yaqum if you believe in God, trust him if you are Muslims) Yunus: 84.
As for the special meaning of the word Islam, it means: the law that came to our master Muhammad  the seal of prophets and messengers to the worlds, which are not limited to sex or people but to all people, and this is a universal law.
This indicates that the Prophet before him was sent to his people, especially as the verses of the Qur'an were mentioned in the verse "And to the return of their brother Huda". And the Messenger of Islam sent to all people and addressed the Qur'an by saying: "We have not sent you but a mercy to the worlds." The Prophets: 107, "We have not sent you except to all people." Spa: 28.
And on this special meaning came the texts of the Koran and the Sunnah of the Noble Prophet, it is the Koran says: (Today I completed your religion and completed you my grace and I gave you Islam religion) Table: 3, (Muhammad was not one of your men but the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the prophets) 40.
(Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and the Sunnah as saying:  (Islam is based on five: a certificate that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, Islam (to bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and establish prayer, and Zakat and fast Ramadan, and Hajj House if you can a way). Narrated by Muslim (2) These two talk shows the five pillars of Islam indicated by this special launch of Islam.
Islam in the special sense has several characteristics unique to and distinct from other religions, and these characteristics:
1 - Rabbaniyyah: It is from God, its source and legislator of its provisions is God Almighty contrary to the laws of status and its source of man. And the legal texts that indicate the Rabbaniyah of this religion are many of them: The Almighty said: "Religion is with Allah Islam" Al-Imran: 19, and the Almighty says: "Whoever seeks non-Islam will not accept it. He is in the Hereafter among the losers." Al-Imran: 85, The function that Islam in turn is from God.
2 - Inclusion: It combines the interests of the world and religion, which is comprehensive for all affairs of life, and human behavior, which is the message of all time, and the whole world and the whole human in the stages of his life, and all areas and there is a comprehensive in all Islamic teachings.
3- Mediation: It is also expressed in the balance and means the parity between two opposing or opposing parties so that not one of them is the effect and expel the counterparty, so that neither party takes more than his right, and overshadows the interview and hurts him. Among the verses that indicate this Khusaisah is saying: "We also have made you a middle nation, so that you may be martyrs over men, and the Messenger will be a martyr over you."
4 - Realism: It means taking into account the reality of the universe in terms of reality and the existence of scenes, but it indicates a fact greater than it, and the presence of the former and kept its existence, is the existence of the duty to himself, which is God. As well as taking into account the reality of life in terms of bus is good and evil ends with death in anticipation of another life. As well as taking into account the reality of man in terms of the dual nature and inclusion on the spiritual and material side. Thus, Islam was not like other commandments and preaching, but was for religion and the world and the doctrine and the law and worship and transactions and ethics.
5 - Combining stability and flexibility:
Islam is a flexible religion developed in its provisions and teachings, and at the same time is a constant religion of Islam in its legislation and guidance, it is a balanced religion. There are systems of Islam, each system consists of a set of provisions and these systems:
The system of ethics and the system of society, the system of advisory opinion, the system of the system, the system of government, the system of economy and finance, the system of jihad and the system of crime and punishment and the family system and the system of international relations and relationship.
6 - contain his guidance on the elements of civilizational tender practiced by the predecessor of the Muslims and made a civilization was the basis on which the European Renaissance.
Prof. Dr. Abdul Sabour Marzouk

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