الاثنين، 7 مايو 2018

💝 The Twelve Commandments of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Important message for every patient, colon, any type of diseases of the colon and any reason please see the commandments and abide by her and implement it Believe me, they will improve very Kteira before any treatment and possible Manadtrch we seek treatment
And people who give a lot of treatments Colon and Mavish Vaidh I want to understand the point that the treatment of the colon starts here from the tips
Nerve colon is a functional disease due to colonic disorder. Matigua We offer some commandments to improve his symptoms and must adhere to them
Commandment (1):
Avoid stress and anxiety: Stress and anxiety play an important role in irritable bowel syndrome ... so you should avoid anxiety and stress as much as possible and not go into the daily problems, especially during meals. We must also give our lives tranquility, tranquility and confidence, and give our bodies a lot of rest and relaxation
Commandment (2):
The need to exercise: It strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, and is an important way to reduce nervous tension and prevent psychological depression to maintain the sport, it strengthens the muscles and maintain weight and adjust the rhythm of the colon (walking for half an hour or work exercises for the abdomen and back, which helps to get the gases out of your body)
Commandment (3):
The timing of the output is to be arranged: the timing of the output process should be arranged, and the lost function of the colon must be gradually restored. The attempt may be difficult at first, but persistence and perseverance will eventually yield results. The Golden Commandment in this area is: Do not conceal - or concealment - the desire to take out at any time under any circumstances. Man creates his conditions and organizes his life in a way that benefits him health and physically
Commandment (4):
Treatment of diseases of the colon and parasites: The treatment of acute diseases of the colon must be treated decisively and fully and quickly, especially diseases of viruses and microbial dysentery. Treatment of parasites, especially amoeba, schistosomiasis and Giardiaalamblia, should also be initiated because parasites may end up with colon irritation and the appearance of the colon.
Commandment (5):
Eat 6 small meals a day instead of three large meals, regular and balanced meals.
Commandment (6):
Eat a large amount of water, especially for the colon patient holding the nerve because water and fluids help to get out and stand out.
Commandment (7):
Visit your doctor for other unusual symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome such as blood in the stool - low weight - severe abdominal pain - anemia
Commandment (8):
Do not take any medicines without the advice of the doctor, and undergo a complete examination, to exclude any other diseases because the colon nerve is only to exclude diseases that may be similar to the colon nerve
Commandment (9):
Eat plenty of foods rich in natural fiber: Be sure to eat foods that contain natural fibers such as fresh vegetables, fruits, and bread containing apostasy. These foods protect against constipation and protect against colon cancer.
Commandment (10):
Chew food well before swallowing, to avoid indigestion.
Commandment (11):
Do not speed up eating, so as not to swallow the air that causes bloating
Commandment (12):
It is important to keep away from and reduce the use of all medical laminates because they have harmful side effects, because they infect the colon wall with chronic inflammation and lose its effectiveness gradually, which necessitates increasing the amount used ... so it should be taken under medical supervision.
Commandment (13):
Avoid eating these foods and beverages. These include hard or digestible foods: cooked foods, spicy foods, pepper, other spices, and vegetables such as lettuce, radish, watercress, garlic and onions.
Commandment (14):
Avoid stimulants such as tea, coffee, ice cream, and carbonated water, and abstain from smoking in all its forms
Commandment (15):
The neural colon is not one type and each patient has different symptoms of the other
The type of colon is the nerve holding. Neuronal nerve colon. Painful nerve colon. Some people have an exchange between all symptoms. This treatment of colorectal cancer is not available to all patients, but every patient has his own treatment.
The Commandment (16):
Avoid foods and foods produced by gases and bulges such as legumes, cabbage and cauliflower, as well as reducing dairy products.
Commandment (17):
It is preferable to stay away from canned foods that contain a lot of preservatives. We must also reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages and artificial sweeteners
Commandment (18):
Nerve colon is a benign patient that does not develop into dangerous diseases such as tumors or ulcers.
Commandment (19):
It is recommended to use some herbs and natural drinks that may improve the symptoms of the colon nerve such as ginger.
Commandment (20):
Neuropathy accompanied by some psychological and neurological symptoms such as feelings of psychological distress, tension, anxiety, depression, fear and panic attacks that affect some patients, such as the patient of the colon nerve needs special treatment and different way of the doctor is aware of the ability to deal with the mental and physical condition of the patient and the commandments of the twentieth patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Important message for every patient, colon, any type of diseases of the colon and any reason please see the commandments and abide by her and implement it Believe me, they will improve very Kteira before any treatment and possible Manadtrch we seek treatment
And people who give a lot of treatments Colon and Mavish Vaidh I want to understand the point that the treatment of the colon starts here from the tips
Nerve colon is a functional disease due to colonic disorder. Matigua We offer some commandments to improve his symptoms and must adhere to them
Commandment (1):
Avoid stress and anxiety: Stress and anxiety play an important role in irritable bowel syndrome ... so you should avoid anxiety and stress as much as possible and not go into the daily problems, especially during meals. We must also give our lives tranquility, tranquility and trust, and give our bodies a comfortable and comforting part of Wallace

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