الأحد، 6 مايو 2018

I feel that God hates me because I continue to do so with myself \ Keep telling myself that no one loves me and that sure that God does not love me too because I continue to disobey him because of these ideas I feel lost and I do not know who came / I know the holy talk about bad faith in God but I I do not care about it, I do not think about it, I mean, it is only my thoughts and feelings. I am a bad person and I am tired and no matter how I decide, it does not matter because I go back and forth for the same sin. I wrote this speech and I swallowed my tears. \ What are I doing? And does God really love me? Do you really hate me? How do I know that?

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المصرى: 19. إذا كان لديك حلم بأن تكون أو تفعل شيئًا يبدو مستحيلًا، فحاول تحقيقه على أي حال. سيصبح الأمر أكثر استحالة مع تقدمك في السن وتحملك...