الثلاثاء، 8 مايو 2018

Do not try one of them to dig
Come on, I'll let you know how to write
He has a river that has never been depleted
The tributaries of my veins are blood in it
My eye is in it

I tell you how kisses on lips are printed
I'm by life a day I have never satiated
I will teach you a lot
The origins of siphoning are documented in my mouth
And your mouth is upstream !!

Come on, I'll let you know how to whisper and touch
I feel ashamed of the moon and the sun is out of it
The touch of my hand taps you and you lose your five senses
Between the present and today
And between yesterday's past !!

Let me tell you how to fulfill
How to split it with your air and air
I will teach you how to get rid of love openly or in disguise
And how to rise up high toward heaven

I teach you how to cultivate and how to be
Love I have madness and my soul is manifested as a shroud of the arts
I will teach you how to turn your heart into a crazy rebel
And how I draw you a painting that tempts all the women of the universe

I inform you in love of the alphabet
And I will sow in you courage, and I will remove from you all fear
I will teach you how love does not recognize the bad circumstances
We have planted love with seed
And the day will come the time of Qatouf !!

I tell you the chapters of jealousy and how to make them
The jealousy of the title of love without it becomes hate does not show
I will burn days and months
And I will burn for years
Muslim I am jealous

I tell you how to perfume you for my sake
And I will teach you how to despise yourself and your eyes will be stoned
And how your dresses are worn
And how are your necklaces?
And how for my eyes only
Tmjmln and for her to get up !!

I tell you how to dance with me
And he praised him on the shoulders of Tammin
I tell you a lot of things you are ignorant of
You begin
Your first step on my chest is skipping

Come on I'll let you know more than just love said
Or a letter written or word complimented by beauty
I will tell you the reality touching my hand and your mind is full of imagination
I will seduce your femininity
And I will send you in my hand like sand cakes

You are a swarm
Excuse us
Your stupid love ends here
And I have gone to my demise

On the chest of the deceiver of the light
And between Annamli Taafr Kaff girls
I have stripped myself of the unclean intentions
And the purity of the impurities of DNA
The gallows of death have been erected
Every woman who commits sins in my life !!

Come and look at the bodies of the victims
Check how the cord wraps around the necks of the baby
These are I who taught them love and they gave love to Sawaya
How can denial be criminal
And he slaughters love in the niche of prostitutes

Yesterday one of them whispered to me:
You are
Be careful

Your fall between the clutches of a female is a thing
The torment will torment you and haunt you
How I wish to be this female
To be buried in your torment, you cold

We created in this world to live miserable and all we have is crying

Our tears always go away when we realize that we have broken our conscience

We have died so much that crying has become a cure for sickness

You play our desires and become obedient after stupid

Now love in our world has become false and manufactured

Always play with us the fate and do not know will remain so for a while

And the joy is like the spirit, if it dies, it shall not live even after a while

And we continue to weep and weep and do not benefit crying anything

And we have never found any of our hands, and the death of our heart is comforting us

Live in this life as you wish it will remain as it is a heavy load

And dream as you want Vdoma will remain a reality and reality we are not understanding the world is wrong and love hours Nmnu Moo just as long as the Balka exists, the voice is sure

Conscience conscience and will not sleep and sure tomorrow another day and sure we will appreciate reformed but desire will and will and then everything ------------------------------ I understood the life and remained salvation of the living knew the life De Masche Azai and her way I asked myself how I lived with the dead Salvation of the world I laughed and I gave her arm and said to myself I care for me I turned her understanding from the beginning of her life and her life I walked for the beginning of the end of the end of life painful pain
Yabshar Afhoaaha left the desire of those who injure and laugh, and that Ikhan and forgive and that sold and sold and Mihbash hated and wounded and wounded
They want to earn it, live it as it is
Forget the good and love and good all Da Rah in the knowledge of the unseen]

Ignorant are matters of love and grams
Teachment on the hands of the assets of Hiam
Based on my shoulders
And urges the pace forward
I'll teach her
Perhaps she is superior to her teacher
I will only give her the reins
I will only live it
My heart is under her feet
Only then will I announce my love for my crown
And love my throne
And my student I walk in her eyes !!

There is a map of love in the human brain.

This map is the one that helps the human to know if he is the opposite
It is suitable for association with him or not.

Scientists report that the map of love in the human brain is a group
Of qualities

Which man wants to associate with.

So that once you meet someone who has the qualities in your brain
You feel attracted to it and vice versa.

These qualities are stored in the brain throughout all stages of life such as your mother's smile and spirit
Humor your father,
That is, qualities that combine over the course of life

In the form of a map in your subconscious mind.
When you meet a person, most conditions apply

The brain produces a chemical that makes you feel happy.
The body also secrete other hormones.

In addition, the body secretes additional amounts of adrenaline
And noradrenaline
Causing redness of the face, sweating of hands, rapid breathing,
And accelerated heartbeat.

After going], the effect of these chemicals decreases from the blood
The person becomes tired and depressed.

This explains why a person gets sad
When it is away

I'm sorry
Forgive me if my heart is wrong on you
I love you
And excuse me if it is hard for you to beat you and repeat your name
And forgive me, if you still have eyes, I hope you will see it
And leave me far and do not care
And leave me in the wind I suffer
Between two wounds
The dimension is wounded from you
And wound your love
And he tormented me all that I could see
A thousand stabbed me if my imagination passed you
Or Jack Zayer
And to those who bow with thy sword shall I cry
And the craziness of your hatred
Do not care about
I forget that I loved you
Leave me alone
Why do you cry for remorse?
Why do you feel the pain of pain?
Why the pulse of illusion skip me
And yoo y

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