الجمعة، 13 أبريل 2018

When will we restore harmony between body, spirit and mind?
We restore them to internal peace!

The inner peace makes you alone control the situation. This is an extremely difficult goal, and it takes us the effort to reach it, but those who enjoy internal peace have what we can call the restoration of control. They understand not to move behind positions that might affect them. The boat has its balance!

It is not important to delve deeply into the meaning of inner peace, and it is not important to find a definition and detail of it, but what is important is to live and taste it ourselves; and to know the strategies that make us under its shadow!

Here are some ways to achieve this peace:

1- Respiratory Life:

Every day, give yourself only five minutes of relaxation and meditation. Breathe in deeply, and pray yourself for any problems, seek harmony and balance in your life and enjoy internal peace.

2 - Learn to take care of yourself:

Your ability to cope with stress and stress increases as you become more self-supporting. So take care of healthy foods, balanced meals, exercise and exercise, and get enough sleep .. It is nice to reward the self carefully, for example:

Prepare the bathtub with warm water, add your favorite bathing liquid, and enrich the beautiful roses. Make candles around you and relax.

3- مارسي Interests:

Give yourself time to hobbies .. Marcy things you like like writing either on paper or even blogging; Paint and color .. Dance to the tones of life; Cook yourself eaters eat and go out to nature .. Watch entertaining programs and other useful to increase your culture .. Hold me your camera And pick up moments do not forget .. Azzee your hobbies and do not pretend to fade!

4 - Aqrae book:

Read the book as an integral part of your day. We are a nation of read, read a book worthy of renewing the cells of your mind and removing all the plankton that hinder the purity of your mind .. And the best that can be read .. Our Holy Quran!

5 - Samhi and live your present:

When you congratulate or offend you, or hurt your feelings, run yourself on the speed of forgiveness and forgiveness. Do not keep a sin in your heart because this may be a heavy burden you do not have to carry .. Get rid of the feelings of anger and resentment that is within you, and when you do this you will feel the lightness of the heavy load resulting from anger and hostility in your life

As one of them said: "Let us not look back angrily, nor forward in fear, but look around us consciously and cautiously."

6 - Being Shakoura and pretending to be happy even in her absence:

In times when you do not feel happy, pretend to be happy with the people you deal with. This happiness you offer, will return to you; and being thankful to your Creator and the people around you .. until you notice the doubling of blessings

7 - Try to make your world a better place:

You have to borrow from the place where you are. Break the routine and make changes in your own touch. Add, my nose, my guitar and my style to your taste and style. Get the atmosphere you want and take the advice of Jim Henson, : "I believe in taking positive attitudes towards the world ... My hope is to see the world better than I saw it when I came to it."

8 - Eat a dose of vitamin "laughter":

Make sure that you always laugh and do not deprive yourself of the spirit of humor and joking .. Accept all that is funny and do not conceal in yourself, but bring out your beautiful smile to the world!

9 - Identify the important things in your life:

Do not seek superficial goals in life such as material things, wealth, and success. These desires may lead to severe mental fatigue. Live in accordance with the deepest principles that result in a feeling of satisfaction. So Solomon the wise after having tried everything in life, he finally said: "vanity nullities, all false." But he also said: "The end of all things, fear God and keep His commandments," and this is the most important.

10. Be honest with yourself:

You do not need to own what others have to enjoy life. Conscience is an irreplaceable treasure. But if you have the possibility, that is something else. I am keen to be directly in your words and say what you mean, and I mean what you say. Show the values ​​and principles you want to see in yourself.

11 - Believe in truth and love:

Consider Gandhi's words: "When I feel despair, I remember that throughout history he has always won the right and the love. There were tyrants and criminals who won briefly, but in the end they would be defeated. Always think about this whenever you feel desperate. "

last but not least ..

Ask peace from God:

You are closer to God than to ask for peace and reassurance and to remind God so much and do not give yourself to pray is peace and peace.
good morning ...

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