الجمعة، 20 أبريل 2018

We must acknowledge and acknowledge that polygamy protects society from major societal problems and problems and corruption in the land
As the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
(If you come from the satisfaction of his religion Vjzoh and not be a great fitna and tribulation) or as he said peace be upon him
Suppose a wife is satisfied that her husband marries her
Where do divorcees go, widows and widows?
Do they weigh to spend their innate desires created by God Almighty
Likewise, men who have no agreement with their wives or that the first wife did not satisfy his wishes, is he divorced and separated his children to marry another woman according to the teachings of the Christian religion in the 21st century, and many married couples who are not really married due to the friction between the sexes, Under which the man does not adhere to his wife and vice versa, which led to what we are now unfortunately.
Women often complain of polygamy and are called non-consensual. Sometimes they pretend to be preoccupied with work or such a person. They say that they are

indispensable for marriage if they are found in their work and have very close relations with men and even married men.

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المصرى: 19. إذا كان لديك حلم بأن تكون أو تفعل شيئًا يبدو مستحيلًا، فحاول تحقيقه على أي حال. سيصبح الأمر أكثر استحالة مع تقدمك في السن وتحملك...