الثلاثاء، 3 أبريل 2018

the self

Be the self, the Emirate is not like this .. It is Petososlk to satisfy a certain desire to satisfy .. And therefore if you will be accused of a certain guilt and you refused. You are not logged in. I do not expect any other sin
Understanding self comes by listening to and training, and understanding of life comes to experience and bear the pain
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- The self as a child, asking the thing and crying and screaming because he hopes to respond to his request, the certainty of firmness and determination to prevent silence.
- And the soul as a child is neglected
The love of breast-feeding, even if it is broken, burns.

Reasons for Change (Why Change?) 1
1- To solve problems.
2 - to prove the self.
3 - to eliminate boredom.
4. To improve efficiency.
5. To keep pace with progress.
6 - to meet the demands of others.

Rules of Change Approach:
1 - Change from the inside of the soul for the Almighty: (God does not change what a people until they change what themselves) (Thunder: 11) The Messenger did not change his uncle Abba Talib and flame flame and died violently.
2 - material change faster than intellectual change.
3 - the willingness of aspiring intellectuals and faster than others.
4 - friction with the distinct increases the chances of success change.
5 - turn the goals into important projects for success.

6. No change without flexibility.
7. Patience.
8. Look for supports.
9. Planning.
10. Each change will face its resistance, so be prepared.
11 - Ethics of the high.
Good relations.
13 - Understanding psychology.
: - feeling uncomfortable (natural and expected)
- Do not tolerate the big change: (prioritize)
- Sense of loneliness: (search for a partner).
- There are no resources available: (creativity and innovation).
Return to the past: (new habits).

People change for themselves
: 1- Fear for gains.
2. Fear of relationships.
3 - Fear of the unknown.
4. Fear of opposition.
5. Fear of lack of capacity.

Steps to change
: 1 - feeling of pain.
2. Setting goals.
3- Defining performance gap (difference between reality and goal).
4 - Study the reasons.
5. Identification of projects.
6- Support required.
7. Implementation.

- The biggest change
: 1- Supplication
2 - trust in God Almighty

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