الثلاثاء، 10 أبريل 2018

Peace, mercy, and blessings of God. I would like to inform you of something that I wish to find different criticisms or opinions. I wish that you would conduct my behavior if it was wrong about my pessimistic view of love and some of the views of young people in the experiences of love through reality and through chatting.

 When I love I feel like I have the world, and I love all people, cars, streets and buildings .. I love sky and moon, everything .. everything.

And when I love and at the same time I'm bankrupt I feel free .. Every place in the world is the property of us, it does not matter where we stand but what is important as the lovers say that I stay with my love.

Happiness lies with the love of my heart that I talk to here in the street, more beautiful than anywhere else? Question asking yourself and you to look for the answer? Would you accept yourself to talk to someone who will be your wife in the street and people who have come and come? a stranger

And love the streets from the street and to the street, has fallen prey to this love twice, and I have lived with all its meanings and secrets, until I found that love is not such love is love like bubbles of water flying in love until it explodes and ends, and the story of most young people when I asked them :

I found a lot of young people standing in the street with their granaries in the hours and I stand at the length of this time his hand folded to his chest and time and put his hand on his waist and he is leaning on the wall to exchange the conversation for a long time without fatigue or boredom, I told him after I told him that I am a journalist, This time, he did not stop standing up. He said to me frankly, I do not know what to take and I do not have a center, but we have to sit down. This is my fiancé, and she is with me in the same college, we do not find a better place to talk and the most important thing is to be with her. Gardens, I am a young man on the present and I can not afford the meals of restaurants, and I prefer this place because I am rude It safe, and the gesture by asking, Is not this exciting view of the suspicion and people's eyes to you, and you Taatbadlon talk and talk? And by God, sir, we are our development. It was a time now. This is my fiancée. I have the right to stay with her and talk to her wherever we want. We talk in college at hours, do not get tired of others, and we do not feel tired. When I asked her, she stopped me from talking, but I felt ashamed.

I have taken the views of many young people, but most of them answered me by refusing and not interfering in these special things, but there is a situation that aroused my attention, I find two friends sitting with each other and exchanged the other words of spinning and love and longing ... ..etc. But I find their eyes are false, the young man looks at every woman passes by the accuracy and focus on the details of her body, and there was nothing in his memory and vice versa, so where if love from this? Will love end with the marriage of these.

I asked a young man, can I get your university or any colleague for you? He answered me, "O uncle of spirit, I will not marry the daughters of the streets?" I told him how. He said, "I do not like girls who talk to more than one person. I do not want to see them just to entertain them or to walk with them." As for those who will marry her, she does not go out with me and does not allow me to speak to her. If you were a bit of a people that allowed herself to form relationships between young people, I mean, she knows that she knows and I know that, but the story of a marriage is not a marriage, I mean, one can not know what she needs ?

And so I felt that this young man may say part of the truth which means that the girl loves the street for a fixed period, and then throw it, and looking for another woman to complete the journey of his life.

And this is another young man I asked after being stressed at a college after talking to more than one girl at different times? After I asked him about his age and nationality,

I asked him this question: Do you love? He said, "What does a person on earth know about what he loves?" I said to him: "I mean, if you know your colleague in college, I love her?" You are going to marry her? You said, you are my brother, I am the winner of his colleague, you are crazy, I mean, I am ground, I can not walk alone with more than a young man who is haraam to you, this is the youth Prestige (Prestige the first time I hear). He said the Prestige means that you are working with more than one girl, because if Zaltk Truh Chouf others? And you need to make the girls around you a lot because colleagues say about me a man? We challenge some in that we collect the largest number of girls, and we also behave in this world, arguing also, girls with whom there is much money they need and what gifts? Ok if I discovered one of them after I knew she loved you? I was hit and beat on her body because she loved me? I know that I am a student here and from another country, I mean you need to love me and make her silly. But her good in others is good and what is the woman who prefers to be your wife. No darling, what do I think about marriage? Thus he managed to escape many of the questions addressed to him. In his wonderful style

This is another story after I was able to deepen with him to talk it became clear to me that he is a victim of love and he is living a period of gang against women? I asked him why do they have relationships with other girls? He replied, "I love to take revenge on every girl, because they do not know the meaning of loyalty or love. He answered me with a strong burning and the tears of his eye were almost exploding. I said to him: Is not this haraam? Say, I know, but the girls are distracted only like that means if you are good with them fool you and show others. You need to have a lot of girls with you because you are affected by your heart. Can you love your classmates in school or anywhere else? He said, of course, if she is with me faithful and be sure of her ethics along the lines of Ahtabha and marry her? Ok, I tell you, you are not? He said why I told him because you are now with a lot of girls and if you know a

new girl in your life I loved her and I really loved you? What will be your fate with the rest? He said, "Leave them all in order to preserve them and marry them." Ok why do you love one and get rid of her among those who are with you? He said, "I know them, and they are false." Love that visited us visited us quickly. a

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