الخميس، 12 أبريل 2018

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you,
Welcome to our Muslim Arab daughter in the twenty-fifth year after fourteen centuries of migration of the Prophet peace be upon him, our daughter, who writes us an electronic line in which it was not - not years ago - even the imagination of him, she knows that she knew our forbidden sex !

Our daughter knew that there was something wrong, but she drifted into cyberspace, and she did not feel that it was a mistake / danger, as in fact, the electronic space is being swept away, and everyone who enters the net knows what I'm saying. And many others slipped their feet in the abyss of e-sex and they are calculating it will not hurt as long as they can take other selves other than their real selves, and that is different from doing the same thing in fact!

I also know that we have left the Muslims of this time for ourselves, and given us access to what we do not have a clear enough to deal with. At the same time as we live in a reality of contradictions and confusion, we have given the ability and responsibility to determine each one good and ugly and to choose what he wants, This is what should not be for those who are no longer facing it. This is the role of the nation. So, we all know that our nation did not do it, as it should have done, it is no longer a generation to face what it was, nor even we considered a generation lost. Next, as if we threw our children into the sea without the necessary training, we did not know them Many of the sea water is often cold and that there are waves sometimes.

What is important now is that our daughter, who is the owner of the explosive problem, is confused. It is revealing to us on the lines of cyberspace, that she simply exposes her addiction to e-sex regardless of its forms and forms, while in fact it is in her real life and the lives of those who know her. The public describes itself very honestly:
(And I am actually outside the scope of the net .. A respectable girl .. Somewhat religious .. Ahli trust me .. Do not know what their daughter is doing ..), and admits that she follows herself bad sometimes sometimes after she succeeded in giving up addiction to watch pictures and movies Nationality even almost removed it from her memory as she said, but she says that it is still rushing sometimes respond to itself the emirate bad, saying:
(Sometimes .. Enter the chat areas to look for someone I talk to him .. I do this automatically without thinking ..) So she describes what the addict describes as he fights addiction and tries to get rid of it, as confirms to us to conflict with the same with the emirate bad when it says:
(And I really hate what I do .. I always try to get away .. but I come back ..).

She is in the forefront of the report and blames this (e-mail), which she knew two years after entering the Internet world; because she entered five years ago, and tricked her according to her testimony with the third year, and perhaps innocent until she found the world of sex "strange" "Then she forced her to have sex, move on to the phone, and maybe there was some kind of reparation and threat from him. What is important is that she may have started innocent and may have needed a long time until she woke up and started trying to control her behavior and say she started trying to repent. Glorified Most Merciful.

But what we can not be considered innocent in any way, it is understood from saying:
(But sometimes I have a feeling of desire .. read stories about him .. I do not know but nothing attracts me), it is impossible that she does not know that there is an instinct to attract sex, and that the existence of desire is not right to ask him especially in that critical period Which she lives as I described in her first testimony, and those who ask him in this way must be more innocent than the owner of the problem, although in any case we will be considered betrayed by expression no more.

Benti I'm here I ask you, since how many of the five years on the net entered on our page problems and solutions for young people? Why did not you try to use God after serving problems and solutions?

What have you been doing other than e-sex or electronic bargaining since I started running away from it? How did you manage to cut the most important part of the cycle of conflict with addiction? This experience in itself is an experience that deserves - if you believe - to be proud of, why did not you remember it? Do not you think it will be useful to many of your Muslim sisters? Then why did not you call me to exercise the sternness, as if what you are doing is something different from it, although the reality is that the electronic practice of sex is nothing more than my sister among spider threads .. Internet addict !!
Hot sites .. Masturbation .. Goodbye to addiction

It also helps you to read the following problems:
Dr. Awadallah:

My daughter, do not torment yourself and turn away from the situation. If you feel a lot of loss on a flower that blooms for life, you have sinned, not in the universe, a sinner who does not make mistakes.

And what swept him in the beginning was a disaster in every sense of the word, and look at them together so that we can find a solution that makes us able to repent true, which has no reward but Paradise.

It is normal for you, my daughter, that after puberty your body becomes the body of a woman, that is, you are an exercise in periods of excitement and desire and the search for the opposite sex, and this is a physiological thing which is functional for the body in which all people start from creation. Resistance, blindness, and distance from the taboo of difficult situations that need will, good thinking and strength in self-leadership.

As for the hardship, my daughter is the reward, and at the moment you surrendered to a person who "wanted" to tell his desire is also the other exploitation of the worst exploitation, and this is because of your young age and lack of experience, and what matters to us that you felt the enormity of what you do;

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