الجمعة، 20 أبريل 2018

"Let our Quran walk on earth"

"Let our Quran walk on earth"
A Muslim woman went to visit her sick Christian neighbor and found her sleeping in her bed ...

She said to her: Let me put you up to something of the Koran, we seek it

The neighbor said to her: "But before that give me some water because I feel thirsty."

Then she said, "I have not eaten anything for days, and I can not find anyone to help me." Did she bring me something to eat? The woman said to her, "I will bring you something to eat."

Only minutes passed, and the food was good. After the neighbor had finished the food and satiated, the Muslim woman said to her: Do I read anything from the Qur'aan?
Then neighbor said to her: But I saw the Koran before you read it !!

The wisdom of this story:
Make people know who you are for your good behavior, your treatment and your morals
Reading and memorizing the Qur'an is required, but others must see the Qur'an in your actions and behavior

"Let our Quran walk on earth"

If you complete reading, pray to Muhammad

ليست هناك تعليقات:

علم النفس

المصرى: 19. إذا كان لديك حلم بأن تكون أو تفعل شيئًا يبدو مستحيلًا، فحاول تحقيقه على أي حال. سيصبح الأمر أكثر استحالة مع تقدمك في السن وتحملك...