الاثنين، 16 أبريل 2018

I feel happy and safe when I am on my bed with my mind and my heart, I forget all the horror in our world
There is no such thing as "love" my friend! It is a beautiful illusion of men to the minds of women to take their hearts and minds, believe me, this is the essence of my experience

  I asked about a hundred people, you will find a hundred shapes and views, I do not put my personality on the people I wage their minds. To talk to their minds and hearts
Smiling! The wink disappears, the wound smiles and he laughs .. I love all this because I think of you! So how do we meet? -

Marriage is the sacrifice of two people for the joy of a people for two hours in the hall of joy begins the life of joy smile. -

Get closer to the simple, because they feel you sense of happiness. Psychological comfort and knowing the value of yourself with yourself

When we make sure that we spend our lives within the mind, we need to be heartfelt and love lovers.
Do something wonderful, people may imitate you. Love yourself and others and destroy and close

Nothing lights up the light that radiates from within. It is not when your heart and mind die

Marriage is the sacrifice of two people for the joy of a people for two hours in the hall of joy begins the life of joy smile. -

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