السبت، 21 أبريل 2018

Hakim was asked once: What is the most beautiful thing I saw ..? He said: I did not see the most beautiful of a person who saw all my loves and still loves me.
Hakim was asked once: What is the most beautiful thing I saw ..? He said: I did not see the most beautiful of a person who saw all my loves and still loves me.
Nothing lights up the light from inside.
Nothing lights up the light that radiates from inside. It is not when your heart and mind die
Look for women in their ethics, if you do not find women do not find a man or a human.
Look for women from her dress, if you do not find a woman there is no dress.
Be polite with those you pass as you ascend to the top, because you will meet them as you fall from them.
When we make sure that we spend our lives within the mind, we need to be heartfelt and love lovers.
When we make sure we spend our lives in the prison of reason, we have to establish it in a good way.
Smiling! The wink disappears, the wound smiles and he laughs .. I love all this because I think of you! So how do we meet?
Smiling! Wiping pains, smiling wound and good .. Foa wonders! All this because I think of you! So how do we meet? -
Get closer to the simple, because they feel you sense of happiness. Psychological comfort and knowing the value of yourself with yourself
Get closer to the simple, because they feel you sense of happiness.

Marriage is the sacrifice of two people for the joy of a people for two hours in the hall of joy begins the life of joy smile. -
Marriage is the sacrifice of two persons for the joy of a people for two hours in a wedding hall. -

  I asked about a hundred people, you will find a hundred shapes and views, I do not put my personality on the people I wage their minds. To talk to their minds and hearts
To communicate their minds and hearts
If you ask me a hundred people you will find a hundred opinions, I do not put my personality with the people I keep their minds.
I asked about a hundred people, you will find a hundred shapes and views, I do not put my personality on the people I am raising their minds

There is no such thing as "love" my friend! It is a beautiful illusion of men to the minds of women to take their hearts and minds, believe me, this is the essence of my experience

There is no such thing as "love" my friend! It is a beautiful illusion of men to the minds of women to take their hearts and minds, believe me, this is the essence of my experience
There is no such thing as "love" my friend! It is a beautiful illusion that men carry into the minds of women to take on their bodies, believe me, this is the essence of my experience

People who say that they can not be with them usually claim that someone is turning them in. How can this be real How can you be anyone other than yourself? You will then become under the tutelage of someone who will protect you. Unfortunately, the person who protects you expects you to behave in the way that you think you should act on. . If you are afraid of being yourself, you are probably afraid of the idea of ​​taking care of yourself or of taking control of your affairs without external interference. If someone wants to authenticate you, Your friendship - okay, but to make the purpose of choosing your way in life is to maintain a better companionship (which is yourself of course), not to rely on the power of others. If you are afraid to be yourself, you are likely to be afraid to provoke your anger. You feel that your anger should be aroused within you, otherwise the person will be angry. Which you rely on to protect you and to survive, or you are afraid to deprive yourself of the advantages of something as soon as you express yourself, so you control your anger and after a while you are deep in your depths. Then you will hate yourself for your weakness. But you have the freedom to correct your mistakes. You may injure others, but you are capable of making mistakes. You may be hurt by others, but you feel a degree of inner strength that can make you able to love

I feel happy and safe when I am on my bed with my mind and my heart, I forget all the horror in our world

I want everything from life to be a woman and a man, to get a lot of friends but I want unity too, to work with them, to write good books, to travel, to enjoy myself, to be selfish and generous at the same time; I want and when I do not spend, it drives me crazy.
Do not imagine people angels, your dreams are broken, and do not make your trust in people blind because you will cry one day for your naiveté.
Life is like grace: If you ask for it, you will not have it
Laughter comes out the child who is inside us all.
The best men of humility for kindness, and the asceticism of the ability, and the fair for strength.
Human power is not in the acceptance of answers, but on the contrary, in the creation of questions.
To the mountain I stepped up, and took a look, the world was under you all, I realized any loss that could befall the person if he did not climb a mountain in his life.
My body is with me, but the spirit is with you. The spirit is alienated and the body is in the homeland -
For the eyebrows and the eyes, the eyebrows are related to the fact that the owners are locked in themselves and do not like to interfere in their personal lives and in some cases tend to treachery, but the eyebrows diverged means that the owner does not hurt anyone, a thin person does not embarrass anyone also, in terms of communication and separation. There is another dimension of density. The thick eyebrows indicate that he is an active and ambitious person with a vision of the future and plans for him. The light eyebrows indicate that the owner tends to loneliness and has a financial or emotional vacuum and prefers isolation from others. As for the color of the eyes, of course, each color has its distinctive, we find, for example, owners of honey eyes are characterized by special attractiveness and eyes brown characterized by passion and the difficulty of reference in the decisions, green eyes distinguish the owner of the volatile mood and eyes

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