الجمعة، 13 أبريل 2018

1 - His repentance is sublime, without controversy, which is required to be gifted and rewarded to her
He counts and dies, and gives the right, and flattens and glorifies him due to the worship of creation, and the requisite for his idolization
Obedience and comfort, and destruction and reverence, and desire, and awe of it.
2 - If everything from Alkhaloukant Tmroa God Almighty in the sense that it is part of their creation
And their livelihood, and the management of their affairs, and behaved in the conditions and Amhorgha, how can make sense of other Makhlovath
Who lack it? If a hero is to be in the Eternal creatures, his Creator must be the true God
The idol is truthfully.

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