الجمعة، 16 مارس 2018

50 tips are advised to follow literally to help you

50 tips are advised to follow literally to help you prevent back problems related to lifestyle in particular. By taking it, you will be able to protect your own back, and avoid being subjected to harmful practices!

1 Start with your children!

The protection of the boys' backs should be started very early, which is to prevent them from carrying a heavy school bag (more than 10 kilograms for a sixth grade student!). To protect your child, especially when he is in elementary school, they have given him a school bag with wheels, which is an attractive and practical option. Take long distances by getting in the car or using the bus. Discuss this at the parents' meeting so that the burden of the children does not exceed 3 to 4 kg. They taught him to move, carrying only what was necessary.

2 Stop bad habits!

Is a classic problem. They spend a lot of time doing movements that hurt their backs a lot. There are many examples:

- Carrying heavy objects.

- Lift things on the ground without bending the knees.

- Bend by bending the body and breaking it into two parts, instead of bending the knees gently.

3 Use the cart while shopping

Learn how to manage your things correctly in the supermarket: Always use shopping carts, stop them as close as possible to the cash register machine, and ask for help carrying the objects if you have to climb several layers without a lift.

Cams and curvature of the spine

The spine takes several basic arcs to be balanced while standing on its feet: the lumbar spine curvature (the lower back cavity), the cams (protrusion in the middle of the back), and the cervical spine curvature (neck and shoulders cavity). When we suffer from our back, the source of our pain is usually one of these curvatures.


Curvature in the sagittal level is concave in front of me, it is physiological when it is at the back level, and becomes satisfactory when it is at another level or if it is prominent at the back level.

Curvature of the spine

Curvature at the posterior level is physiologically located at the neck and lower back, and becomes satisfactory when it is at another level or if it is prominent. We find spinal curvature at the lower back level in patients with severe hip flexion, as well as in patients with impaired vertebrae or weak abdominal muscles as in muscular dystrophy.

Primary backaches:

- Spinal twisting.

- Sciatic pain.

- Disc hernia.

- Pain in the back beads.

- Arthritis.

4 Division of weights

Always think about dividing the weights you carry evenly between left and right. Did not you have to carry everything from one side?

5 Hold balanced sports

If you are suffering from back pain, do not you continue to exercise unbalanced sports such as tennis, squash or fencing? Here too, all the effort is concentrated on one side, which is very damaging and may aggravate your current pain. If you can not stop playing these sports, think of restoring balance to your spine by doing proper exercise or playing sports such as swimming and exercise. Avoid at the same time the sports that lead to the accumulation of vertebral vertebrae on top of each other.

6 Change your bed

The reason for more than a quarter of back pain cases is the use of a bad mattress, especially if it is very soft. Also be aware of the pillows you use and the bad conditions you take during sleep. Your spine should always remain straight.

7 Watch out for driving

In contrast, sitting on very solid seats while driving may be very damaging to your appearance. Pick your car with the seat of the car in mind. Buy, if necessary, famous "ball-shaped" seat covers that protect your seats and massage your back while driving. Do you find it a vulgar idea? Let it be! Your health is the most important.

Also do not bend forward to carry something on the ground, but stand by what you want to carry, and then bend the knees while keeping the back straight, and grabbed the thing while making it to stick with the body, stood up while maintaining the integrity of the back.

8 Keep fit

Weight loss problems and obesity are responsible for a large number of back pain cases. This is normal, because your back has an increasing difficulty in carrying your body weight. To avoid the back pain caused by weight gain, apply some simple rules and follow a healthy lifestyle: just three meals balanced daily, drink plenty of water to remove toxic substances from the body, regular physical activity, stop stimuli and smoking.

9 Keep in good working condition

The number of people working in front of the computer screen is increasing day by day. Maintaining a good working posture is essential to protecting your spine whether you are standing or sitting. There are simple rules to follow: choose a comfortable seat with a backrest, not being too rough or too soft, take a regular break, and do not unnecessarily turn back.

10 Be sure to keep your back straight!

Many people take the wrong situation while walking, eating and working. As you walk down the street, keep your back straight as if you were putting the phone book over your head. When you are in front of the dining table, do not sit down and do not put the two elbows on the table, but lift your trunk, neck and head. You should apply the same rules at work.

11 Wear proper shoes

Boots are also responsible for a good number of back problems, especially for women who wear high-heeled shoes. Learn how to diversify in what you wear shoes. If you are working and you are standing, abandon high heels. Mars is jogging and you are wearing real racing shoes or walking shoes. Let me be careful

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