الثلاثاء، 5 ديسمبر 2017

The priests

 The priests
 The priests, in the eyes of Catholics, gathered the priest, who offered vows and vows for sins in the relationship of people with God. [24] As the letter to the Hebrews states: 'For every high priest is taken from men, that he is set up for the people in the things of God, that he may offer sacrifices and sacrifices for sins.' [25]   
 In the Gospels there is a set of letters and the author does not know them.
 Here we speak about Catholic priests in three points; Bishops. B. The popes. T.   
 Accompanying, gathering a bishop and means supervisor or president. Catholicism is believed to be the persons authorized by the Church. The Church will remain a teacher, sanctified and governed by the apostles through the bishops who are followers of the apostles until Christ comes again. [26] He who listens to the bishops may have listened to Christ.   
 And who rejects them will be like the rejection of Christ. [27]
 the pope
 The Pope is the successor to Peter the Apostle and the President of the Council of Bishops. This council has full and supreme authority over all churches. This power can only be shown after permission from the pope. [28] Each bishop is the successor to Peter the Apostle and works in full unity with the Pope, the Roman bishop, and the head of the bishops' council.   
 The Pope is infallible, as is the Council of Bishops.
 The Catholic doctrine believes that the Lord Jesus made Peter the Apostle originally visible in the Church, and gave him the keys to heaven. Pope The Roman bishop, successor of Peter the Apostle, is the vicar of Jesus and the patron of all the churches on earth. [29]   
 The Pope was given full authority over all souls. [30]
 The Catholic doctrine believes that every priest a monk priest is taken from the people for the sake of the people, in order to offer sacrifices and sacrifices for sins. [31] And serve under the administration of their bishops in the episcopal region. [32]   
 The source of the Church is Christ Himself; He is the one who established it, and gave it authority, function, direction and power. [33]
 The priest speaks in the name of the Lord, and has the authority to grant forgiveness to sinners. He says when baptizing one of his followers: 'I baptize you in the name of the Lord and give you forgiveness.' [34] When Gregory was a young priest, he wrote: 'The priest is the defender of the truth, he limps with the angels, praises the Archangel, makes sacrifices on the mihrab, participates in the priesthood of Christ, renews creatures,   
 , And creates creatures into the afterlife again, and more importantly makes them a god as he became himself a god. [36]
  8. Baptism
 Baptism is the baptism of baptism by water in a certain way, which is the first condition for human entry into Christian life according to the Catholic doctrine. [37] The Lord Jesus prescribed baptism for the forgiveness of sins. [38]   
 And the forgiveness that the Baptist receives during the baptism of complete forgiveness does not remain with him the first mistake and what was done by free will. [39]
 The Lord the Father by his Son as well as the baptisms give grace allowing for the new birth in the Holy Spirit.   
 For those who carry the Spirit of God go to the Son and bring them to the Father and the Father gives them immortality. [40]
  9. Recognition
 The Catholic doctrine believes that 'only sins are forgiven by God.' When one of the church men says to a man, 'You are forgiven of sins,' he depends on the special power granted to him by God. [41] The Church is able to forgive sins wherever they grow. [42] And no one has the right to forgive sins except the Pope or the Church gave him this right of the priests or priests. [43]   
 Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 'And those who, if they commit adultery or wrong themselves, mention Allah, and seek forgiveness for their sins, and whoever forgives sins except Allah.
 The Catholic doctrine recognizes that only God forgives sins, but he also grants this right to the Pope as God gave him that power.
  10. The divine pyramid
 When the references to the Catholic doctrine are extrapolated, we find that there is a divine hierarchy. At the top of the pyramid are God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary, the Apostles, the Pope, the priests, and the priests according to their hierarchical degrees. Each was given divine authority. All except the Holy Spirit are half-gods and half-mortals. This is a particular shirk. God Almighty said: 'Take their tithes and their monks as gods without God and Christ the Son of Mary, and they have commanded only to serve one God, there is no god but He, Glorified, for what they associate.' (Repentance, 9/31).   
 He also said: 'Those who said that God is the third and three who have no god but one God have disbelieved, but they have not finished what they say, so that those who disbelieve may have a painful punishment.' (Al-Maida, 5/73)
 The Role of the Church in Christianity
 The Catholic doctrine holds that the Church represents Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Lady of the Virgin Mary and the Apostles. For this reason, the Church is the original God. The Church is a society composed of hierarchical institutions and the moral body of Jesus Christ, and is equipped with heavenly gifts. It also has two characteristics: one theological and the other theological.   
 The Church is a sign of union between God and man. [44]
 Church employees are worshipers of Christ and like Him. For their sayings are the sayings of Christ, and their charity is His beneficence as well.   
 They were given this to give to others. [45]
 I had a dialogue with a Protestant priest about the role of the Church among the Protestants, in which the Church was a particular religion.
 And the dialogue is as follows: I told him: What are the most important conditions in which a person becomes a Christian?
 He said: Baptism.
 I said: The conditions of faith in a person have been fulfilled and I have participated in all the acts of worship. Is he considered a Christian?
 He said: No, because he was born laden with the original sins committed by Adam, he must rid himself of all these sins, and

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