الثلاثاء، 5 ديسمبر 2017

The doctrine of mediation in Catholicism

The doctrine of mediation in Catholicism

The doctrine of the three universes - the pillars of which are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - is what led to the priesthood being taken by God without God. It is a doctrine shared by all Christian denominations, and there are other doctrines that are exclusive to one denomination. We take the Catholic doctrine as an example to see how his followers became disbelievers in the religion of monotheism that Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him, came from God.

1. God in the Catholic Creed Catholic doctrine believes that God is one; there is no other god. He is the one who created the heavens and the earth, and He alone is the master of them. He is close to His slaves and knows all things. It is azalea; no beginning to its existence and no end. And all that we possess from him. It exists in itself. He was called 'father' because he is the beginning of everything and above all and compassionate to all his children with his love and mercy, which is neither male nor female. He is God. [4]

Some Christians claim that there is a vacuum between God and people that must be mediated, and they believed that Jesus was worthy of filling this vacuum, and so was their belief in other mediators and partners.

2. Jesus (son) believes the Catholic doctrine that Jesus peace be upon him the messenger of the father. He wiped him out with the Holy Spirit and made him a monk and a king. He - ie Jesus - receives all things from the Father who sent him. Now he is defending the Christians at the father. He always sits with God. He is able to intercede with those who plead with God. [5]

How do Christians perceive Christ?

The Christians claim a gap between the holy God (God) and man. And arrows (in the figure shown) indicate the effort made by man to reach the pleasure of God Almighty and to achieve the happy life promised to his righteous servants.

Christ represents peace among the Christian Lamb. This Lamb will close the gap between God and man and has sacrificed himself for the salvation of humankind. In his letter to Timothy, Paul says: 'For there is one God and one mediator between God and men: the man Jesus Christ, who gave himself a ransom for all.' [6]

The Christians claimed that Jesus was the Son of God:

In the reign of the Apostles, the faith in Jesus was that God preached to him the prophecy and the message as the prophets before him, and the first to claim that Jesus is the Son of God is Paul, and three centuries later Christians accepted his claim as a valid invitation. In 325 CE the Council of Nicaea was held, and it was one of his decisions that Jesus was born of the Father and not a creature. [7] One of the decisions of the Council of Ephesus, which was held in 431 AD, that 'the sacrament of the effective incarnation of the union of theology in manhood in the hypostasis of the eternal word without separation or mingling and does not change. The Virgin Mary is the Mother of God. '

In the Council of Chalcedin in 451 AD, this decision was made: We recognize that our Lord Jesus Christ is the same Son, he himself is full of theology and is himself full in manhood. He himself is a true God and a true human being of the same rational and body, of the very essence of the Father according to theology, and he himself of our very essence according to humanity, similar to us in everything except sin. Born of the Father before the ages according to theology, and in the last days (born) is the same for us and for our salvation from the Virgin Mary or the Mother of God according to the people. [8]

God said in his holy book: «The Jews said Ozer son of God and Christians said Christ the Son of God that their words with their mouths match the words of those who disbelieved before God fought them that they are afflicted» (Repentance, 9/30).

True God and True Man:

They said about Jesus that he is a real God and a real person, so that he can make him a mediator. As shown in Catholicism as follows: 'Jesus Christ is a true God and a true human being. For this reason he is the only mediator between God and man. '[9] 'Now he is defending the Christians in the Father. He is always alive to be their mediator. And ready with God. '[10] 'It is capable of mediating to save all who are directed to God.' [11] As you see this doctrine is not acceptable to reason, and to justify opposition to this doctrine of reason and common sense, the Church must have disabled the role of reason in understanding the facts of faith. The Church says: Faith is not the understanding of the facts set out and access to the truth of the natural minds. [12] Because faith is the work of the Church, and the faith of the Church is based on our faith, the Church carries and nourishes our faith. The Church is the mother of all believers, and whoever was not the church and his mother was not the Lord his Father. [13]

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 'Those who said that God is the Messiah, the Son of Mary, said:' O Children of Israel, serve God, My Lord and your Lord;

3. The Holy Spirit The Catholic doctrine believes that the Holy Spirit is God. He, father and son of one origin. [14] Which is the Holy Spirit to be mediator and patron. In the letter of Paul to the Romans, 'The spirit also helps our weak; for we do not know what to pray for as it should be, but the Spirit itself intercedes in us things that are not uttered. But the one who examines the hearts knows what the Spirit is interested in, because according to the will of God he will intercede in the saints. And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose. '[15] It is not possible to see the Son of God without the Holy Spirit. No one can reach the father without the son. [16]

4. The Virgin Mary The Catholic doctrine believes that the Virgin Mary is the Mother of God in the true sense. [17] 'Her motherhood is not over. They continue to guarantee gifts that provide lasting happiness with their renewed reach. They say

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