الاثنين، 2 نوفمبر 2015

Women , Food, Sex
Hey! I read a survey done revealed that women think more about food than they think about SEX.... stating that most women think that they can survive without sex... but cant without food...
food and sex are basic needs,...........so i nedd to click the 2,.....but,..........food has an advantage,.........u need it 24/7, and at least 3x aday, max of 5,....hahahaha, don't want to expound anymore sharina,.
CLICK FOOD OR SEX...Sex is an overated pastime...i would rather have a big bowl of cream of chicken soup with some crusty bread...now there`s a turn on..yumm..ha haLol, woman, the same as men, cannot survive without with food. Sex? Without it, you may as well forget the food! :)i tell it like it is, unfortunately is true, sex?? What is that??? hahaha....well, knew 2 months ago, going for another dry spell now...hahahahaI can survive without sex, as much as it ails me, but food, forget it, gotta eat or die...hahahahaeasy click Donar.... but u are not allowed to click on both....
For you... I'll click sex.... coz you are looking like food... so if you click sex you will be full the whole day... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .....True .. Who holds an empty stomach, can not think of sex .. Women interested in food for sex, as well as men .. food and sex .. Elements for the continuation of human beings
Rights are not Istia live without food and I Istia live without sexual contact
And without problems affect his life and I was the denial of sex generates m

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