الاثنين، 2 نوفمبر 2015

My love and my life and my heart Cahdin attic

Escape emshy fly without eyes

Filled the cup over our God Bnin

Water will bear witness against my heart and prying

My heart is wounded and the guided mental Leih
I am my love and I'm the victim

Can lay on my heart to Dvkm after Woe

Purely for you and my love in my heart was captivated
Can be in the old Saad after clouds
The joy of the Black Aktefha

Adequacy of O Zamani anxious to VLP Habib
Published Diha and smiles again
I dream I hope not far

The sweetness of death to heart sad

For not purport to Btouka without and Holiday
Further no more than an imaginary of a new
Beam and afraid to be a mirage far
Have mercy, O Lord your servant only
Ohkuk but not secured, your cream

No promises Tbuaony markets Ebeid

And Achtrony de Vlby a panacea for all Habib

Telmony not my heart, mind Ihda sad songs

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