My brother in humanity
This is a message to all people of the earth a Muslim and a Christian and a Jew, we are all that divided us religions all share in being brothers in humanity, and will continue to be brothers forever and ever to annihilate the earth and them, and we go to God our Creator, and her watch a separation or distinction, Vllah it alone. The message of this whisper it to all of my brothers humanitarian me a bit so please open your chest and your heart, maybe this time we agreed and I told our differences and our disputes frequent and we realized the meaning of our humanity.
Humanitarian meaning:
Not a specific meaning for humanity
.. Every man can change if circumstances have changed and changed the land on which it stands and the seat that sits upon or underneath or in front of him .. Put the bravest man in the fire screaming like a baby ..
No one is good by nature .. .. not evil by nature nor brave nor cowardly nor cream .. .. not stingy, but human becomes generous and brave and good ..
Human nature we are who we make .. we know a young child not to lie .. great, and we know only be blunt .. but that wraps and spins, because people do not like the frankness .. small and we know to be brave and tell the big no-no vanquished .. and tell the small Do not be stingy .. and tell the large Do not be extravagant.
Vansantona always stem from the environment we live in.
The basic principle is that the creation of man in this world to work on fatigue and find and strive to reach the afterlife safely Almighty said (We created man in the liver (.
The sons of one religion and disagree:
Religion is the greatest individual possesses all live under the teachings of any religion, what was this religion and religions but always accompany the differences between adherents.
If the search in the Islamic religion and you will find a Sunni Muslim mystic and Alohaary and Shiite, then you will find the Kharijites and Mu'tazilah and others a lot of difference.
And you'll find in the Christian religion three major Orthodox and Catholic and Protestant communities.
And you'll find in Judaism, Jews Alortozuks, Jews and reformers, and conservatives .otojd months movements in Zionism.
And you'll find differences between them amount to abuse and will not separate from the Almkhto and his right because it is not our subject, we have agreed from the outset that we are talking of no more humanitarian door.
Divisions to where?
After that got lost our humanity and changed conditions prevailed divisions all Arab countries without any exception
In Iraq, you will find our division between Sunnis and Shiites and between the government and the Kurds In Sudan, you'll find a break between the north and south and in Palestine will find between Fatah and Hamas on the Saudi borders you'll find a conflict between the Saudis and Yemenis in Yemen conflict between the king and the Houthis and you'll find a conflict in Yemen between Sunnis and Shiites as well as in Egypt you will find a conflict between the government and the Muslim Brotherhood and the division between Muslims and Christians and the revolution of the Tunisian people against Tunisian police and recently the Algerian people revolt against the government, police and thus pass on the Arab countries countries country you'll find in each country's crisis and will not free one of them from those crises that vary only is the severity of the crisis, there are crises end at just words on the pages of newspapers or demonstration, and there are crises continue until the armed confrontations.
Why split?
When overwhelmed by materialism on people and changed souls greed lots and lots in the position or money conspired against people this world which showed the divisions and abandoned all his principles and even sold their religion introduced from the floor and in front of the power of the enemy, whether externally or internally weakened and could not resistance Vllmal special glamor and fame and chairs glamor larger and in front of temptations Foreign succeeded to have an interest in all those differences to sign between everyone and fell everyone in the trap with full force, to crumble in a deep well is not her decision, no one wants to be sacrificed, all works to his advantage just does not care about religion and homeland and the land I am and after me the deluge , and everyone knows his enemy well but he is ready to put his hand in the hand of the devil to gain access to personal ambitions, that the game is now open and understood by everyone but stubborn for their own interests.
And then we move on to the greed of people themselves this stems from greed inside them and not to shed the enemy from the outside, but they are doing anything in return for that maintain their chairs and did not care nor the people of the nation and inhuman.
These all sects are sign enmity and hatred They are anointed with all the meanings of humanity fully voluntary basis and with premeditation, these are the real culprits for these differences and to throttle all the meanings of humanity and because people are turning to the law of the jungle again, and grow inside all the land of the fuse to temptation may ignite in anytime .
Few abusers Vihm everyone:
A few of the owners of those religions are doing acts contrary to humanitarian The right clearly visible, but those few are of superior in sight to declare themselves with full force, into thinking people that this is mostly on the people of this religion, and people only care about the external appearance only, not concerned teachings within the religion as much as the owners of those treating him their religions.
God sent us the Torah and the Bible and the Koran and all religions descended from him, there is no teaching of a heavenly religion never incite the shedding of the blood of the innocent or kill him with injustice and oppression or theft of one or seize display, teachings of God and the one, but the human being is of unspoiled and change and alter, it is killing Muslims in Kashmir and Chechnya, Bosnia, Palestine, Pakistan and Ihrkonhm in China are people who did not know and did not savor the taste of humanity
Because all logic and reason no religion allows this, and kills a dhimmi people of the book he also does not know the meaning of humanity, and does not know anything about the teachings of Islam, we do not want to rush and behind them until persecution is no more.
This time of strife and God says Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman (slalom where persecution is the minds of men until almost see what sane man)).
He also says ((Tdhark sedition know what your religion, but if suspected of sedition you right and wrong)
The days!
And I remembered now days Joaly where were the masses of people crowd one is no difference between a Muslim and a Christian, everyone is fighting falsehood and his associates remembered Salahuddin army and carry inside of Christians were fighting with him for one purpose and in one row to Jerusalem, and I remembered the days of Hittin and what he did the common folk , named Goliath and I remembered what was in the unit to eliminate the risk of the Mongols and make the world of them, and how it was the words of Ibn Taymiyyah mercy of God, when asked about the fight against the Tatars, he said ((If you have seen me in a row Tatars and on my head Koran Fa killed me)) is how the unit and thus could not mightiest armies of land that divides them.
Why always accuse Islam to terrorism:
Since the events of September 11 and the more occurred incident in the world find all the Western countries stand to accuse Islam as a religion of terrorism and that the religion of extremism and that it is permissible to blood, league with the ordinary citizen fear of Muslims and Islam, and then after what happened in Iraq when Shi'ites killed some Sunnis Vtokdt them that theory .qal Lord of Glory (O ye who believe! If someone punk news, verify that harm people in ignorance and repent for what you have done? 6?)
In the beginning we will take the side of the Muslims with each other, the Asthal Muslim blood of Muslims or insulting or cursing this is not evidence that the teachings of the entire religion, because this happens to Christians and Jews alike regard as permissible blood of Muslims and each other in the other divisions places, such as those between the communities of the three Christians and history testifies on the incidents and conflicts and bloody wars between them in order to establish the doctrine of their church, as well as Muslims and Jews are doing what Hitler did to the Jews.
But is this OK to the teachings of those religions?
Anas may Allah be pleased with him he said, peace be upon him ((if the hands of the clock to the days of ignorance come down, and raise the flag, infested with Pandemonium (murder)).
This is the message of peace to all mankind never, not war or fighting, torture and displacement message has prophet came this nation mercy to the worlds tends always to peace.
First, the sanctity of blood between Muslims:
Before I tell you some of the Humane prophet of this nation to learn that he never not the teachings of the religion of paying for assault or fragmentation or fighting, see Annex prophet of this nation,
For the mother of believers Aisha Shall the Prophet, peace be upon him said (that the animal not be in a thing but it adorns it does not take away from the thing but it makes)
He also says God's peace be upon him (deprived of kindness is deprived of all goodness).
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him a Jewish neighbor is keen to put dirt on his door, and when he missed all the Jewish Apostle three days went Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him to his home to visit him, Jewish, said: what this visit, O Muhammad? Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, he said: "I did not put what you put Vhspetk patients, I am visiting Fjit"
He said the Jewish Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: this tells you condemn you, O Muhammad? !! He said the prophet, peace be upon him: "But more than this," said the Jewish: I bear witness there is no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
He says God Almighty to His Prophet (but as a mercy to the worlds).
As for the blood, says the Almighty God said ({And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the wrath of God upon him and prepared for him a great punishment} 93 women
He said God Almighty that we wrote for the Children of Israel that kills a person without the same or corruption in the earth as if he killed all people if it is recited saved all mankind} table 32
The Prophet, peace be upon him say (Muslim peace Muslims from his tongue and his hand)
Tirmidhi narrated from Ibn 'Umar said: ascended the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him the pulpit, cried with a high voice, he said: (O than is delivered with his tongue, and did not prefer faith to his heart, does not harm nobody Muslims nor Taarohm, do not follow the nakedness, it is Tracking the nakedness of his Muslim brother follow his genitalia God, and God trace his genitalia expose him even in the middle of a trip).
Roy him, peace be upon him, he said: «who helped to kill a Muslim, even with half the word came doomsday written between his eyes: Ice of the mercy of God»
He said: ((insults with a Muslim depravity and fighting Kafr (Bukhari).
When invited to one of the companions fighting in the strife time sang says:
I'm not a fighter and a man praying at the last Sultan of Quraish
His dominion and God forbid my iniquity of ignorance and indiscretion
Ooqatl Muslim in non something? It is not what I lived Bnafy Isa
But the followers of the Prophet, peace be upon him has been lifted on until that fall into the show each other even once the words
He asked a man Ibrahim ibn Adham days than it was among the rolling, God bless them, Vicky and then lifted his head and said (he himself knew and worked himself knows his Lord his God worked from the other))
And Muhammad bin Sirin man blasphemes the pilgrims, he said: "Meh, O man! That if you and Lafite afterlife was smaller guilt never have done the greatest you one of the greatest guilt of his pilgrims, and I know that God Almighty rule amended, that was taken from the pilgrims who wronged him slowly taking pilgrims who injustice, not because of a Chgln yourself "
These are the symptoms and the blood as it should be between Muslims and between the owners of the same religion.
The bloodshed between Muslim and others:
Scientists agreed that the infidel his six terms in terms of being a Halal blood or non-Halal
First: the infidel warrior: It came from your land to Ki Aharbak or Ihtlk or you out of which it Halal blood such as what is happening with the Muslims in Palestine, Chechnya, Iraq and other such people replace them it is fighting jihad to impose on them at this time ..
Second: infidel vulnerable: the infidel belonging to state or country to fight the Muslims. One of the most vulnerable people who can not fight, and that Islam forbade killing them, such as the large-Sheikh in age, priest or monk interrupted worshiper of worship that does not incite Muslims. And children and women.
This is the text of the hadith of the Prophet (Vania Do not kill an old man, not a child, nor a woman) Ozk is not permissible for Muslims hurt him.
God is the mercy of God on this debt.
Third: infidel institutes: the infidel who is between him and the Muslim era, agreement or truce, which is committed to state-Muslims not to fight or exposure to them and who took a covenant to enter our country and it is not permissible for a Muslim to be exposed and that the text of the hadith of the Prophet, peace be upon Slmmn killed confederate not smell the fragrance of Paradise, though its fragrance is to be found from a distance of forty years. Narrated by Bukhari.
And the Prophet said (...... edema and one Muslim, it is a Muslim Akhvr, the curse of God and the angels and all the people »..
Hafiz ibn Hajar says: «edema Muslim one, that is, their safety is true, if the security of the infidel and one of them on the campus of other exposure» ..
Heck Heck and those who threatened him because of the curse of the Prophet undone to the reign of the safety of non-Muslims.
Fourthly infidel lessee: a secured through Muslim in any form of the state of security forms, including Visa, which enters its workers or tourists or diplomats or traders or journalists or others to a Muslim country, or even that will come from one of the Muslims and accept guardian lock it, as secured or Carefree one of the idolaters Before the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - him and said securing may Ojrna conducted O Mother of Carefree ...
This safety is given a visa to enter the country or at the invitation of anyone other than the Muslims of the Covenant shall be guardian. The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him (from the security man on his blood and then kill him I am innocent of the killer and that was slain infidel) and see if the tolerance to this great religion.
Fifth: infidel edematous: they are people of the book and others living in Muslim countries Those who believe versus them tribute
However, the tribute paid to stop their entry and participation in the military, such as the case here in Egypt between Muslims and Christians always prevail righteousness, forgiveness and this is right. Exposure to them may not be in any way
God said :( Allah does not forbid those who have neither faith nor drive you out of your homes, dealing kindly and justly with them) and in this case everyone but the infidel warrior
Sixth: The Infidel is objector: the infidel belonging to the State did not object to Muslims not intercepted and not between it and them any problems or wars, like some South American countries these days, such as Brazil, Venezuela and others, These are not warriors may not be subjected to them if even words.
pause :
What humanity has always called for tolerance and live iPod and love includes all people, but sometimes the haves motives are good, but surmised it leads to perdition says Sartre (road to hell is always fraught with good intentions).
Call :
This hand-drawn to you, hands full of peace regardless of your color or your religion, you are my brother in humanity and will not touch you bad What forget, we will be together in order to live in a peaceful world to start again has demonstrated vision and knowledge of everyone from the real enemy, and those who want to sign us because they They want a homeland Musharzma and homelands rickety filled with tiredness and exhaustion from fighting each other, so let my brother in humanity these hands standing to hand bear witness of God I am innocent of any blood have caught, Feltmd hand this is the hand of peace, not a weakness but of strength and pride, strength and thy strength you and me , to reach out and discard the band together and let one flesh (your religion for me my religion) but in the end all complement each other in the formation of the body of the nation.
This is a message to all people of the earth a Muslim and a Christian and a Jew, we are all that divided us religions all share in being brothers in humanity, and will continue to be brothers forever and ever to annihilate the earth and them, and we go to God our Creator, and her watch a separation or distinction, Vllah it alone. The message of this whisper it to all of my brothers humanitarian me a bit so please open your chest and your heart, maybe this time we agreed and I told our differences and our disputes frequent and we realized the meaning of our humanity.
Humanitarian meaning:
Not a specific meaning for humanity
.. Every man can change if circumstances have changed and changed the land on which it stands and the seat that sits upon or underneath or in front of him .. Put the bravest man in the fire screaming like a baby ..
No one is good by nature .. .. not evil by nature nor brave nor cowardly nor cream .. .. not stingy, but human becomes generous and brave and good ..
Human nature we are who we make .. we know a young child not to lie .. great, and we know only be blunt .. but that wraps and spins, because people do not like the frankness .. small and we know to be brave and tell the big no-no vanquished .. and tell the small Do not be stingy .. and tell the large Do not be extravagant.
Vansantona always stem from the environment we live in.
The basic principle is that the creation of man in this world to work on fatigue and find and strive to reach the afterlife safely Almighty said (We created man in the liver (.
The sons of one religion and disagree:
Religion is the greatest individual possesses all live under the teachings of any religion, what was this religion and religions but always accompany the differences between adherents.
If the search in the Islamic religion and you will find a Sunni Muslim mystic and Alohaary and Shiite, then you will find the Kharijites and Mu'tazilah and others a lot of difference.
And you'll find in the Christian religion three major Orthodox and Catholic and Protestant communities.
And you'll find in Judaism, Jews Alortozuks, Jews and reformers, and conservatives .otojd months movements in Zionism.
And you'll find differences between them amount to abuse and will not separate from the Almkhto and his right because it is not our subject, we have agreed from the outset that we are talking of no more humanitarian door.
Divisions to where?
After that got lost our humanity and changed conditions prevailed divisions all Arab countries without any exception
In Iraq, you will find our division between Sunnis and Shiites and between the government and the Kurds In Sudan, you'll find a break between the north and south and in Palestine will find between Fatah and Hamas on the Saudi borders you'll find a conflict between the Saudis and Yemenis in Yemen conflict between the king and the Houthis and you'll find a conflict in Yemen between Sunnis and Shiites as well as in Egypt you will find a conflict between the government and the Muslim Brotherhood and the division between Muslims and Christians and the revolution of the Tunisian people against Tunisian police and recently the Algerian people revolt against the government, police and thus pass on the Arab countries countries country you'll find in each country's crisis and will not free one of them from those crises that vary only is the severity of the crisis, there are crises end at just words on the pages of newspapers or demonstration, and there are crises continue until the armed confrontations.
Why split?
When overwhelmed by materialism on people and changed souls greed lots and lots in the position or money conspired against people this world which showed the divisions and abandoned all his principles and even sold their religion introduced from the floor and in front of the power of the enemy, whether externally or internally weakened and could not resistance Vllmal special glamor and fame and chairs glamor larger and in front of temptations Foreign succeeded to have an interest in all those differences to sign between everyone and fell everyone in the trap with full force, to crumble in a deep well is not her decision, no one wants to be sacrificed, all works to his advantage just does not care about religion and homeland and the land I am and after me the deluge , and everyone knows his enemy well but he is ready to put his hand in the hand of the devil to gain access to personal ambitions, that the game is now open and understood by everyone but stubborn for their own interests.
And then we move on to the greed of people themselves this stems from greed inside them and not to shed the enemy from the outside, but they are doing anything in return for that maintain their chairs and did not care nor the people of the nation and inhuman.
These all sects are sign enmity and hatred They are anointed with all the meanings of humanity fully voluntary basis and with premeditation, these are the real culprits for these differences and to throttle all the meanings of humanity and because people are turning to the law of the jungle again, and grow inside all the land of the fuse to temptation may ignite in anytime .
Few abusers Vihm everyone:
A few of the owners of those religions are doing acts contrary to humanitarian The right clearly visible, but those few are of superior in sight to declare themselves with full force, into thinking people that this is mostly on the people of this religion, and people only care about the external appearance only, not concerned teachings within the religion as much as the owners of those treating him their religions.
God sent us the Torah and the Bible and the Koran and all religions descended from him, there is no teaching of a heavenly religion never incite the shedding of the blood of the innocent or kill him with injustice and oppression or theft of one or seize display, teachings of God and the one, but the human being is of unspoiled and change and alter, it is killing Muslims in Kashmir and Chechnya, Bosnia, Palestine, Pakistan and Ihrkonhm in China are people who did not know and did not savor the taste of humanity
Because all logic and reason no religion allows this, and kills a dhimmi people of the book he also does not know the meaning of humanity, and does not know anything about the teachings of Islam, we do not want to rush and behind them until persecution is no more.
This time of strife and God says Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman (slalom where persecution is the minds of men until almost see what sane man)).
He also says ((Tdhark sedition know what your religion, but if suspected of sedition you right and wrong)
The days!
And I remembered now days Joaly where were the masses of people crowd one is no difference between a Muslim and a Christian, everyone is fighting falsehood and his associates remembered Salahuddin army and carry inside of Christians were fighting with him for one purpose and in one row to Jerusalem, and I remembered the days of Hittin and what he did the common folk , named Goliath and I remembered what was in the unit to eliminate the risk of the Mongols and make the world of them, and how it was the words of Ibn Taymiyyah mercy of God, when asked about the fight against the Tatars, he said ((If you have seen me in a row Tatars and on my head Koran Fa killed me)) is how the unit and thus could not mightiest armies of land that divides them.
Why always accuse Islam to terrorism:
Since the events of September 11 and the more occurred incident in the world find all the Western countries stand to accuse Islam as a religion of terrorism and that the religion of extremism and that it is permissible to blood, league with the ordinary citizen fear of Muslims and Islam, and then after what happened in Iraq when Shi'ites killed some Sunnis Vtokdt them that theory .qal Lord of Glory (O ye who believe! If someone punk news, verify that harm people in ignorance and repent for what you have done? 6?)
In the beginning we will take the side of the Muslims with each other, the Asthal Muslim blood of Muslims or insulting or cursing this is not evidence that the teachings of the entire religion, because this happens to Christians and Jews alike regard as permissible blood of Muslims and each other in the other divisions places, such as those between the communities of the three Christians and history testifies on the incidents and conflicts and bloody wars between them in order to establish the doctrine of their church, as well as Muslims and Jews are doing what Hitler did to the Jews.
But is this OK to the teachings of those religions?
Anas may Allah be pleased with him he said, peace be upon him ((if the hands of the clock to the days of ignorance come down, and raise the flag, infested with Pandemonium (murder)).
This is the message of peace to all mankind never, not war or fighting, torture and displacement message has prophet came this nation mercy to the worlds tends always to peace.
First, the sanctity of blood between Muslims:
Before I tell you some of the Humane prophet of this nation to learn that he never not the teachings of the religion of paying for assault or fragmentation or fighting, see Annex prophet of this nation,
For the mother of believers Aisha Shall the Prophet, peace be upon him said (that the animal not be in a thing but it adorns it does not take away from the thing but it makes)
He also says God's peace be upon him (deprived of kindness is deprived of all goodness).
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him a Jewish neighbor is keen to put dirt on his door, and when he missed all the Jewish Apostle three days went Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him to his home to visit him, Jewish, said: what this visit, O Muhammad? Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, he said: "I did not put what you put Vhspetk patients, I am visiting Fjit"
He said the Jewish Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: this tells you condemn you, O Muhammad? !! He said the prophet, peace be upon him: "But more than this," said the Jewish: I bear witness there is no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
He says God Almighty to His Prophet (but as a mercy to the worlds).
As for the blood, says the Almighty God said ({And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the wrath of God upon him and prepared for him a great punishment} 93 women
He said God Almighty that we wrote for the Children of Israel that kills a person without the same or corruption in the earth as if he killed all people if it is recited saved all mankind} table 32
The Prophet, peace be upon him say (Muslim peace Muslims from his tongue and his hand)
Tirmidhi narrated from Ibn 'Umar said: ascended the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him the pulpit, cried with a high voice, he said: (O than is delivered with his tongue, and did not prefer faith to his heart, does not harm nobody Muslims nor Taarohm, do not follow the nakedness, it is Tracking the nakedness of his Muslim brother follow his genitalia God, and God trace his genitalia expose him even in the middle of a trip).
Roy him, peace be upon him, he said: «who helped to kill a Muslim, even with half the word came doomsday written between his eyes: Ice of the mercy of God»
He said: ((insults with a Muslim depravity and fighting Kafr (Bukhari).
When invited to one of the companions fighting in the strife time sang says:
I'm not a fighter and a man praying at the last Sultan of Quraish
His dominion and God forbid my iniquity of ignorance and indiscretion
Ooqatl Muslim in non something? It is not what I lived Bnafy Isa
But the followers of the Prophet, peace be upon him has been lifted on until that fall into the show each other even once the words
He asked a man Ibrahim ibn Adham days than it was among the rolling, God bless them, Vicky and then lifted his head and said (he himself knew and worked himself knows his Lord his God worked from the other))
And Muhammad bin Sirin man blasphemes the pilgrims, he said: "Meh, O man! That if you and Lafite afterlife was smaller guilt never have done the greatest you one of the greatest guilt of his pilgrims, and I know that God Almighty rule amended, that was taken from the pilgrims who wronged him slowly taking pilgrims who injustice, not because of a Chgln yourself "
These are the symptoms and the blood as it should be between Muslims and between the owners of the same religion.
The bloodshed between Muslim and others:
Scientists agreed that the infidel his six terms in terms of being a Halal blood or non-Halal
First: the infidel warrior: It came from your land to Ki Aharbak or Ihtlk or you out of which it Halal blood such as what is happening with the Muslims in Palestine, Chechnya, Iraq and other such people replace them it is fighting jihad to impose on them at this time ..
Second: infidel vulnerable: the infidel belonging to state or country to fight the Muslims. One of the most vulnerable people who can not fight, and that Islam forbade killing them, such as the large-Sheikh in age, priest or monk interrupted worshiper of worship that does not incite Muslims. And children and women.
This is the text of the hadith of the Prophet (Vania Do not kill an old man, not a child, nor a woman) Ozk is not permissible for Muslims hurt him.
God is the mercy of God on this debt.
Third: infidel institutes: the infidel who is between him and the Muslim era, agreement or truce, which is committed to state-Muslims not to fight or exposure to them and who took a covenant to enter our country and it is not permissible for a Muslim to be exposed and that the text of the hadith of the Prophet, peace be upon Slmmn killed confederate not smell the fragrance of Paradise, though its fragrance is to be found from a distance of forty years. Narrated by Bukhari.
And the Prophet said (...... edema and one Muslim, it is a Muslim Akhvr, the curse of God and the angels and all the people »..
Hafiz ibn Hajar says: «edema Muslim one, that is, their safety is true, if the security of the infidel and one of them on the campus of other exposure» ..
Heck Heck and those who threatened him because of the curse of the Prophet undone to the reign of the safety of non-Muslims.
Fourthly infidel lessee: a secured through Muslim in any form of the state of security forms, including Visa, which enters its workers or tourists or diplomats or traders or journalists or others to a Muslim country, or even that will come from one of the Muslims and accept guardian lock it, as secured or Carefree one of the idolaters Before the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - him and said securing may Ojrna conducted O Mother of Carefree ...
This safety is given a visa to enter the country or at the invitation of anyone other than the Muslims of the Covenant shall be guardian. The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him (from the security man on his blood and then kill him I am innocent of the killer and that was slain infidel) and see if the tolerance to this great religion.
Fifth: infidel edematous: they are people of the book and others living in Muslim countries Those who believe versus them tribute
However, the tribute paid to stop their entry and participation in the military, such as the case here in Egypt between Muslims and Christians always prevail righteousness, forgiveness and this is right. Exposure to them may not be in any way
God said :( Allah does not forbid those who have neither faith nor drive you out of your homes, dealing kindly and justly with them) and in this case everyone but the infidel warrior
Sixth: The Infidel is objector: the infidel belonging to the State did not object to Muslims not intercepted and not between it and them any problems or wars, like some South American countries these days, such as Brazil, Venezuela and others, These are not warriors may not be subjected to them if even words.
pause :
What humanity has always called for tolerance and live iPod and love includes all people, but sometimes the haves motives are good, but surmised it leads to perdition says Sartre (road to hell is always fraught with good intentions).
Call :
This hand-drawn to you, hands full of peace regardless of your color or your religion, you are my brother in humanity and will not touch you bad What forget, we will be together in order to live in a peaceful world to start again has demonstrated vision and knowledge of everyone from the real enemy, and those who want to sign us because they They want a homeland Musharzma and homelands rickety filled with tiredness and exhaustion from fighting each other, so let my brother in humanity these hands standing to hand bear witness of God I am innocent of any blood have caught, Feltmd hand this is the hand of peace, not a weakness but of strength and pride, strength and thy strength you and me , to reach out and discard the band together and let one flesh (your religion for me my religion) but in the end all complement each other in the formation of the body of the nation.
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