السبت، 30 أغسطس 2014

How do we as Muslims living in the west

How do we as Muslims living in the west maintain an Islamic Education for our children. Primary and secondary education up to the age of 15/16 may be provided in Muslim schools (which are also very expensive), but as for Higher Education there is no such Islamic Institute. 
Even on the secondary school level on the agenda of Curriculum, we do not have books that deal with the branches of knowledge that are available in secular institutes, such as; Political science, Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy. Please advise on how we should go about bringing about an Islamic Education system for our Youth in the west (bearing in mind that it is near impossible for us to migrate to Arab/Muslim countries because of the restrictions on immigration etc.)
Praise be to Allaah.
In order to preserve the structure of the Muslim family in the non-Muslim countries, we need to meet a number of conditions and requirements, both within the home and outside it:
Within the home:
It is essential for parents to uphold the habit of praying regularly in the mosque with their children; if there is no mosque nearby, then they must pray in jamaa’ah (congregation) at home.
They have to read Qur’aan and listen to its recitation daily.
They must eat meals together.
They must speak in the language of the Qur’aan as much as they can.
They must uphold the good manners prescribed by the Lord of the Worlds for families and in social settings; these include those that are to be found in Soorat al-Noor.
They should not let themselves or their children watch immoral and corrupt movies and shows.
Their children have to sleep at home and should stay home as much as possible, to protect them from the influences of the bad environment outside. They should be very strict in not allowing their children to sleep outside the home (“sleepovers”).
They should avoid sending their children to universities far from home where they would have to stay in university accommodation, otherwise we will lose our children, who will be assimilated into the non-Muslim society.
We have to be careful to eat only halaal (lawful)food and the parents must avoid using all kinds of haraam (unlawful) things such as cigarettes, marijuana and other things which are widely available in non-Muslim countries.
Outside the home:
We must send our children to Islamic schools from kindergarten to the end of secondary school (high school).

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