الاثنين، 10 مارس 2014


The weather can affect almost anything in life, from the
externals—such as picnics and outings—to the internalssuch
as how you feel. Barometric pressure can inflame
our joints and cause extreme pain when we move. Sometimes,
however, the pain is minimal. We may not be consciously
aware of it, but still our movement, our body
language, is restricted. We become less outgoing and
withdraw more into ourselves.
As a scientific fact to lend authenticity to the effect of
weather on body language, a research study done with
hidden cameras on cloudy, sunny, and rainy days, concluded
that in bad weather people talked to each other
less, smiled less, and used more restricted body language.
But we don't really need scientific studies to tell us this.
We all know that a gloomy day affects us and depresses
us, while a mild, sunny day exhilarates us.
Your girfriend was simply stating a basic truth about
the weather and body language—or how people feel.
We had an old college girlfriend of mine to dinner the
other night, and when she left my husband said,
"That lady's available!" I was very shocked, and I asked
him how he knew. "By the way she was sitting with her
legs open" was his answer. Is this true?
Ever since my book Body Language was published, people
have asked me what various specific gestures mean. The
truth is that every gesture has meaning only in terms of
the total person.
When a woman wears pants, she can sit as she pleases.
With a short skirt, she must sit a certain way, usually
with her legs together at the thighs.
Sometimes closed arms mean resistance: "I don't want
to hear you." I saw a picture of Dr. Benjamin Spock addressing
a group of police recruits. The picture showed
every policeman sitting with tightly crossed arms. Unquestionably
knowing the the way both Dr. Spock and
the police think, they were resisting what he had to say.
But crossed arms do not always indicate resistance. Some
people simply find it more comfortable to stand that way,
and they may be very receptive to what you are saying
though their arms are crossed. Again, you must consider
the total person and the little messages you get from the
rest of his posture.
Stroking the nose with one finger is held to be the
preliminary to some outrageous statement or to a lie. But
when someone suffers from hay fever, the nose wipe may
simply be a way of relieving an itch!
Before you interpret body language gestures, you should
understand the entire context of the situation. Your college
friend, sitting with open legs, may simply have an
open personality or an open mind. It doesn't necessarily
follow that she's available.

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المصرى: الجمعة، 2 أبريل 2010 كيف تحاور..؟ كيف تحاور..؟ -  أبريل 02, 2010   ليست هناك تعليقات:    إرسال بالبريد الإلكتروني كتابة مدونة حول ه...