Hameed Sakanاكتب اسمك هنا
DDDD, Cairo ,
Tel: +202 7577577877452
e-mail ………………
تضيف الموقف من التجنيد في بعض الدول)
Date of Birth:
Gender: (Male …Female)
Marital Status: ( Single….married…)
Military Service: (Exempted…)
EDUCATION: (المؤهلات
العلمية- الأحدث ثم الذي يليه)
ABCDEF University, Doha, Qatar لابد من اسم الجامعة و التخصص و اسم المؤهل و تاريخه
BSc in Mechanical Engineering
(Very Good Honors), Ranked third of 104 students.
EXPERIENCE: (الخبرات العملية
بداية بالأحدث ثم الذي يليه)
ABCDEF Co., Cairo,
Dec 2001-
· Analyzed the company procurement process based on historical
data and questionnaire results which led to the identification of the weak
points in the system.
· Applied simulation techniques on the ……… that helped in the
study of an expansion project of $10million cost.
· Participated in the Electronic Requisition system
· Automated the ……..Planning which resulted in shorter
preparation time and less waste.
· Developed an optimization model for …….. to minimize the
waste which saved 50% of the unnecessary material waste and more than 90% of
the planning time.
· Designed Information System; database and program logic for
GHIJKL Co., Cairo,
· Managed maintenance, repair & troubleshooting of 200
mechanical Equipment including compressors, pumps, cooling towers &
piping. استخدام الأرقام شئ جيد
· Supervised the start up and operation of an air separation
plant and trained 20 technicians on
operation of plant.
· Prepared and managed an annual spare parts budget of $300,000
for 6000 items.
· Increased technicians’ motivation by redesigning the
workshop layout, improving workshop facilities and application of QCC
(Quality Control Circles).
· Saved $250,000 loss of production by modifying the cooling
water system of …..
· Decreased equipment failure and spare parts consumption
by application of ……
· Worked as a TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) coordinator
for the Utilities section.
توضيح الاختصار الذي قد يكون غير مفهوم
· Increased the utilization of manpower by having a monthly
& annual plan, good preparation and storage of spare parts and monthly
training of technicians.
· Achieved zero sudden stoppage of utilities supply and less
than 2 injuries per year.
دورات تدريبية لها علاقة بالعمل- حاسب – لغة – إدارة – نواحي فنية - تسويق)
Training on
Advanced Simulation Topics
Sept. 20…
(Jul- Aug) 19..
SKILLS: (مهارات اللغة و
الحاسب - يمكن إضافة مهارات أخرى لها
علاقة بالعمل بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر)
-Fluent in
Arabic and English يمكن كتابتها على سطرين
Computer knowledge
Windows, MsOffice, SPSS, Visual Basic for
Applications, VB, Fortran programming, MSProject.
OTHER INFORMATION: اكتب أي جوائز – مسابقات- منح – تفوق – أو أي أشياء
أخرى ذات قيمة))
· ABVFGTTTTT Co. Achievement Award
· DDFFFFFFV Organization MBA scholarship
A member of a
team that ranked 12th out of 232 teams from different Egyptian
universities in ………… Competition
May 2003
1- name….., Associate Professor, University of
2- name…..,
Section Manager, ABCDEF Co., hthy@abcdefgh.com.eg, Tel………
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