الجمعة، 14 فبراير 2014

That women are all free rougher

 That women are all free rougher , but her face and hands
1 - Aisha : " The Prophet , peace be upon him and his family and said : God does not accept the prayer of a woman who menstruates ."
Narrated by only five women .
Talk also narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah Governor and Oolh Daaraqutni cessation He said: stop like and Oolh ruling posting and Attabarani in small and middle of an interview with Abu Qatada says: " Allah does not accept from a woman pray until the disappearance of adornments nor ongoing reached menstruation until brewing . "
Saying, " God does not accept the prayer of a woman who menstruates " may offer to speak utter acceptance and what it signifies . And menstruating women reached the age of menstruation is not of his clothes for menstruation , they are banned from praying in the novel which is shown in Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah word " God does not accept the prayer of a woman has her period begins only Boukmar " and saying " only Boukmar " is broken kha what is covered by the head of the woman . said the owner of the arbitrator : Muffler Alnsif and collected Okhmrh and vintage .
The talk was quoted by the necessity of women to cover the head if prayer and argued its only between the free and the nation in sexual relations for the general male menstruating did not differentiate between the free and the nation is the view of the people apparently . Dispersed marjoram, Shafi'i and Abu Hanifa and the public between the nakedness of the free and the nation Fjalo rougher nation between the navel knee and mannish . argument them what Narrated by Abu Dawood and Daaraqutni and others have mentioned the term in the modern explanation of the hadeeth of Abu Musa in the Advanced section , which prior to this and including Narrated by Abu Dawood also says: " If any of you pair Abdo nation not seen her nakedness " They said: Balaourh to be mentioned in this conversation what he said in his statement to talk first . Malik said : nation nakedness Kaharh awrah not forbid her hair like a saw action in the Hijaz to detect slaves to their heads so narrated from him by Ibn Abd al-Barr in recall . said Iraqi explain Tirmidhi and famous with him that the rougher the nation as men have differed in how much rougher free and was told all of her body except the face and hands and it went Hadi denominator in a Qoulih Shafi'i in one of his words and Abu Hanifa in one of the two versions by the owner . was said and feet into anklets and so went denominator in the words of Abu Hanifa in the novel about the Revolutionary and Abu Abbas was told , but all except the face and it went Ahmad ibn Hanbal and David. was told all of them , without exception, and it went some owners Shafi'i narrated from Ahmad .
The reason for these different words what happened from the commentators of the difference in the interpretation of the verse, " except what appear thereof " has been quoted in this talk that covering the genitals health condition in prayer because he said does not accept a valid inference by the police as it was said .
Have disagreed on that, he said Hafiz in the Open: went public to cover the genitalia of the conditions of prayer, he said : And some of the Maalikis distinction between Almakr and my people and some of them being fired does not invalidate years left prayer oh.

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