الثلاثاء، 5 نوفمبر 2013

We do not play politics

We do not play politics

Who wanted to work in the call to God he only have a direction nor affiliation , glossy one nor against one , simply because it would lose the other team , and this error occurred when many in these days, my brothers again and a third proposal , such as the judge has no affiliation nor party nor team , retains his opinion Profile for himself and not be affected by his call , and from there the brothers who is willing to sell his call for affiliation and his team , political opinion and thus affected by the call does not accept many people as he ايدرك what he wanted , the descent ( urgent ) No ground spare no noon kept , Praise be to Allah , Lord of the Worlds brother Ehab Hafez
The proposal must be right with Wayne and be found with a Rev سديد or what sense judgment . We also agree politics Pvt So go ahead and the impact on communities . Given that the doctor show opinion فرجل the religion also express his opinion in public issues and do not Kmalk to shift our society from atheist Islamist .
- See more at: http://alswasy300.blogspot.com/2013/10/blog-post_3164.html # sthash.2uCpjMzM.dpuf

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