الثلاثاء، 5 نوفمبر 2013

Invite loved ones

Invite loved ones
Whatever worked hard and sacrificed for religion to remember the sacrifices of companions you feel Neutral ! Whatever hungry for God age Mahtakl the paper trees !
Whatever walk on foot .. the age your feet what Httqta of the walking costume foray Patcher ! ..
No matter how cool your age what Htkhrj in the way of Allah in the cold and you مرط do not exceed your knee Lord Hudhaifah Day costume parties ! ..
His companions states concern the roof of the nation until the Day of Resurrection ! ..
We will not be like them Abdaaaaa only imitate them .. that imitate men Falah . Said Ibn al : " The slave to free disobeying God فيلقي God hatred in the hearts of believers in terms of do not feel , and the fittest سريرته smacked Abeer bounty, and عبقت hearts publish good, God is God in beds , it is what works with the its Salah apparent corruption " .
- See more at: http://alswasy300.blogspot.com/2013/10/blog-post_3992.html # sthash.qU19CaTM.dpuf

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