الأحد، 20 أكتوبر 2013


Psychiatry. Not limited Medicine at the Arabs and Muslims on the organic treatment , but also exceeded to psychotherapy . They see the illusion and psychological events of the ills that affect the body. Therefore, we find that the Ikhwan al-Safa pointed to give the patient the opportunity to lists the conditions and causes of illness also feel it is , then the doctor then prescribed in an attempt to remove and raise illusion of controlling the patient and belittle the disease. The devoted physicians suites in every major hospital for neurological diseases and mental health. Razi pointed to the importance of the psychological factor in treatment, and was the first doctor to come to the psychological origins of rheumatoid arthritis . The difference between him and gout. See: gout. And decided that physical illness on the face of it stems from mental disorders , and that more than these symptoms than those who Akzmon Gheit ; Petrakmh the subjected to enormous psychological orgasms . Indeed, the Al-Razi saw that some types of dyspepsia arise from psychological reasons ; may " have dyspepsia reasons other than poor liver and spleen , including the case of air showers and decrease drinking , frequent Directed by blood and sexual intercourse and anxieties psychological . Should be for a doctor to delude the patient's health and Areign out , albeit not so confident . Vm'zaj body continued to ethics self. " He wrote some doctors letters and books in mental health, wrote Ibn Omran book about Almalinjuli , also wrote Maimonides (d. 415 AH , 1024 AD) message called the message preference looking at cases various mental arousal such as anger and happiness and sadness and its impact on health, and pointed out that the treatment is sport psychology and strengthen This message indicates that he has realized the benefit of harnessing the power of restraint in the treatment of diseases of the body.The area was who traveled by Abuamran Moses Maimonides in psychiatry quantum leap

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