الخميس، 12 سبتمبر 2013

This works of the Brotherhood, but are corrupt and murderers

This works of the Brotherhood, but are corrupt and murderersPolice officers often put their life on the line to protect people but do not often get the thanks they deserve.
A son, daughter, wife, mother, father, husband, brother, friend. An ordinary person, just like you...Except his or her passion was to keep the community safe. They often are never thanked until they are needed.

Keep in mind, cops are the ones who take those drunk drivers off the streets, so your happy little self can make it home safely tonight.

Most people who hate cops, will find themselves in a detrimental situation, in which a cop would be needed--then they'll be thankful. Until that time, they'll continue to be ignorant.

They ARE heroes..no matter what the world says. 
person: I hate police officers they are pigs!!
smarter person: What if someone is trying to kill you one day? Who are you going to call?
person: uhhhh...my gang buddies?!?!?
smarter person: ....yeah, they'll DEFINITELY come save you. *sarcasm*

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