الخميس، 12 سبتمبر 2013

One of the Kings decided to

One of the Kings decided to prevent women wearing gold ornaments and decorations, was the reaction of a large women where Amtnan for obedience , and began grumbling and discontent and protest .. and women in exaggerated confusion and gold decorations and ornaments .

The king was troubled and puzzled .. ordered the work of a meeting of his advisers , the debate began , someone suggested : undo the decision in the public interest , and another said : .. not undo the weakness and fear indicator must show our strength .. and divided supporters and opponents ...

The king asked to bring a wise city where he attended and asked him the problem
Where Hakim said to the king : will not Aitiek people if you think about what you want , not what they want they are .. and said to him : King and work? Retract permission ?

Hakim said .. but not issued append decision to ban wearing gold ornaments and decorations are beautiful not to their need to outline .. ugly exception and older to wear and gold decorations for their need to cover Qubhan

The decision was made ​​... and is only a few hours until the women took off decorations, and took each one of them to consider themselves as beautiful , you do not need decorations and ornaments ...

Then Hakim said the king I Ataek people when I thought their minds and realized their interests from the windows of their feelings .

The wording of the art of words ... we need to mastery ... and science we need to learn .. To invite people to what we want by connecting the desired them Palmrgob them ... And consider objectionable they have before asked imposed on them ... and that we are receiving the extent of personal interest that they would gain by following required or abstain .

Nothing penetrates the hearts .. gateway Klotf .. and make a smile .. Lin .. discourse and safety of intent ,
He says: if you're rude boor heart to shake around } ..

Which is better

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