الأربعاء، 18 سبتمبر 2013

This is a barbaric American society

This is a barbaric American society
10 teenagers raping schoolgirl and passers laugh !

4 months ago
Approximately ten teenagers last Saturday evening raping girl did not exceed its fifteenth year in front of a high school in the suburb of " Richmond " in the city of San Francisco, California , while stopping about ten others of their colleagues and some passers - by watching what is happening laughing and taking pictures .
The network said , " CBS " America said that the incident occurred during a ceremony beginning of the school year, school Richmond High , when she left the girl's ceremony to wait for her father outside the school, the officer said Marc Jajn police Richmond , " said the girl was raped and beaten by several مغتصبيها , in the presence of others of their colleagues, and worrying that even looking at what is happening transients without informing "
The crime shook American society , where rape the girl took more than two and a half hours and was described by media sources " Barbary work and barbaric ."
The police source said the network " CBS " American " Some passers - by were laughing as they watched while others take pictures with their mobile phones "
Has been arrested four of the perpetrators and ongoing research and investigation to find out others, police have detected 20 thousand dollars reward for indicating information about the perpetrators .
It is noteworthy that in California law criminalizes who watches the rape without notifying police, the girl was transferred to the hospital in poor condition.
- See more at: http://alswasy300.blogspot.com/2013/09/blog-post_18.html?zx=8375c4aa31ad52b8 # sthash.gbGRi4d3.dpuf

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