الأحد، 1 سبتمبر 2013

Loving heart

Loving heart is not the capacity to unloved and was taken from the love which chumps four snaps them what kept them from a jar or other was called love this because loving bear for his beloved weightlifting also bear chumps weight is placed upon and was told they are taken from the grain of the heart which Soidaah saidfruit became known love, so to reach down to the grain of the heart, so close to saying his back if he gets his back and his head if he gets his head and saw him, if he gets his lung and stomach if he gets his stomach, but such acts arrived the impact of the actor to the effect while in love فالأثر but arrived to loving and yet is subject to the languages ​​of love and lovethe poet said like Marwan father of for a date ... I know that kindness enclose for a man and Oallah Lula Tamra what حببته ... Nor was the lowest of the servants and bright

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