الأربعاء، 21 أغسطس 2013

the secret of a happy

Although that may anger a lot of the ladies, he saw British researchers that the secret of a happy life and long lies in pairing a second wife. Said researchers at the University of Sheffield UK this is what their findings after discovering "the benefits" of marriage to two women at the same time, and look at the statistics prepared by WHO on countries that allow polygamy and the positive results so including that the age of the pair that is associated with another, getting more than others by 12%. According to the newspaper "Daily Mail" yesterday that the study, published in the latest issue of the magazine "New Scientist" pointed out that The man who marry more than one woman, and shall have a large family has sponsored the best during adulthood and live longer. said Lance Workman, a specialist in the evolution of psychology at the University of Bath Spa British "If you have more than one wife was take care of yourself and live longer, because we know Even the man who accompanied one woman live longer than unmarried. "Workman said," If you look at societies that allow polygamy see men compete strongly with other men because the pressures of life that they face greater. " He pointed out that women are looking for men larger and more strength and wisdom. Support this view Chris Wilson anthropologist at Cornell University, who said U.S. It is useful for the man when adulthood to be surrounded by women. "I do not fascinates me to know that the men in societies that allow polygamy are living longer than their counterparts in communities that do not allow only monogamous, especially when they become widows do not find anyone cares about them"; according to the Khaleej Times newspaper.

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