Riven anemia Ethren, young and old, male and female, especially in poor countries, which is considered a health problem has negative repercussions on society. Children and pregnant women from the most vulnerable segments of society to him.
It has anemia under his banner group diseases resulting from either the deterioration of the number of red blood cells in the blood or of the low level of hemoglobin in the blood cells, or both, the result is the inability of erythrocytes to carry enough oxygen from the lungs to various body tissues distributed between the top the head and the soles of the feet. As is known, the red blood cells are made in the bone marrow during the period of nearly five days to go then to the blood where you live 120 days and then are destroyed.
Is the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow, and this production needs to key elements, such as iron, vitamin B12 and vitamin B9 and vitamin w. College is involved in the production process by hormone Alaritropuecan which works on induction of spinal erythropoiesis-making. There are several forms of anemia, depending on the cause, and on the whole it can be said that there are two forms of anemia: the first resulting from the defect in the production of blood cells. And second because of the break erythropoiesis.
The leading risk factors for anemia are many, including:
> Bleeding visible and invisible, and is considered one of the most important factors responsible for anemia, but causes فكثيرة, including accidents, surgeries, bleeding from the nose and menstrual bleeding and peptic ulcers and hemorrhoids and tumors of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract. When bleeding occurs trying to bone marrow to produce more blood cells to compensate for the shortfall, but if the bleeding is severe, the marrow is unable to meet this Fataty demand for drop in blood pressure numbers and a shortage of supply various tissues بالأوكسيجين the.
> Malnutrition. The production of blood cells requires the availability of metallic iron, copper and some vitamins such as B-12, B-9, w, along hormone Alaretrobiotin which induces the bone marrow to make pellets. The lack of one or more of these elements leads to a decline in the production of red blood cells or to the production of blood cells is effective at the functional level.
> Chronic diseases such as cancer, liver disease and chronic inflammatory diseases, AIDS.
> Malabsorption diseases.
> Alcohol addiction.
> Pregnancy and lactation.
> Blood diseases and immune diseases.
> Medicines that cause bleeding bloody hidden.
> Exposure to radiation.
> Intestinal worms, especially worms Alonkalostomo.
Pretending anemia beams and signs, including pallor and general weakness and rapid fatigue, shortness of breath, and speed up the heart rate and cardiac functional Puff, dizziness and tinnitus in the ear and loss of appetite. In iron deficiency anemia see special signs are: brittle nails, Tqaaraa and atrophy of tongue papillae and inflammation of the corners of the mouth and the fragility of hair falling out and Plummer Vinson syndrome (which includes a package of symptoms are inflammation of the tongue and the small size of the tongue and ten swallowing).
And iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia in the world, estimated to be infected numbers ranged between 500 and 600 million. The reason is due to the shallowness of iron ore in the food or the loss of iron due to bleeding.
And has the rights of between 3 and 5 grams of iron, there are two-thirds in hemoglobin blood in erythropoiesis, the rest فتخزن in the liver and muscle cells and retinal endothelial, and much of this iron store will be in the form of ferritin (ie, iron linked with protein) soluble in water The remainder shall be in the form of iron Imosideren is also linked protein, but it is characterized in that it does not dissolve in water.
The loss of menstrual blood, and severe infections and eating anti-rheumatic drugs and food shortages contained and diseases of the digestive malabsorption, is considered one of the most important reasons for the lack of iron in the body. As is well known, there are factors that help to absorb iron from the gut of the most important need for iron and vitamin w stomach acid and organic acids and sugars. In contrast, there are factors that impede the absorption of iron, including: the presence of phosphate and excessive secretion of alkali gland البانكرياس and defect in the lining of the intestines and stomach surgeries and acid Alvaatic and fiber, legumes and tea and coffee.
For one reason or another, some people can not absorb vitamin B12 or do not take Kvaithm of the vitamin folic acid (B9) فيتراجع production of red blood cell in the bone marrow, and evolve to have a type of anemia in which the pellets large abnormal. As the poisoning of some medicines may trigger this type of anemia.
There aplastic anemia, in which the bone marrow fails to produce enough of the three types of cells are erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets. Fortunately, this type of anemia is rare, and in 50 percent of cases, the poisoning caused by chemicals or drugs, or as a result of exposure to radiation or after the occurrence of leukemia or following immune diseases settlement of or viral infection. In the remaining cases of aplastic anemia reason is unknown.
There is also a hemolytic anemia, in which erythropoiesis normal, but are replaced faster than the speed of the production of the cells that replaced by plants in the bone marrow. This type of anemia may be genetically or acquired. It happens hemolytic anemia syndrome after exposure to immune diseases or allergic or infectious or toxic, or even after eating beans because of a lack of yeast called glucose - 6 - phosphate Diedroginaz, there are multiple forms of the lack of this yeast depending on the mutations that have occurred in the gene involved, and in this type from anemia, red blood cells break down, this might be a violent break-up is associated with an acute failure in college, especially in children who ranged in age from two to six years.
In the list of hemolytic anemia find sickle cell anemia, which is where blood cells Red Crescent textures (ie sickle) completely different from pellets regular, this recent slide easily into streams veins vessels and lifetime of 120 days, while blood cells sickle Vtjd very difficult to move Veins in the heart of the bloody remains squeezed, causing obstructive obstacles that result in severe pain and high temperature, except that the age of sickle red ball is too short as it does not exceed ten days to twenty days at the most.
In conclusion, keep the following observations:
- Some of them imagined that anemia affects only the poor, and this is wrong because it is seen when the rich also.
- Some believe that the anemia disease can not dangerous and that is wrong with his own eyes, blood Vvqr may lead to dire consequences, but may not be fatal.
- Anemia in children with serious implications if it is not remedied in a timely manner, because it affects the mental capacities of the child and leaves a negative impact on academic and social life and future.
- Some thought that the crisis ends anemia fill the abdomen with food, but crying to the moon to be that simple.
Make you a hero
Ocean - names Ibchl the
There is no doubt that every wife wants her husband to be distinctive in good health and has high physical strength than "Hercules" or "Muhammad Ali", all this is possible in your hand, especially if a particular sport or exercise regularly have to go to the gym.
If you do not exercise your husband for sport you encouraging is your children on it, but if your spouse or one of your family members practiced sports game featuring them here comes your turn to maintain this superiority first encouraged and secondly the work program of special diet to maintain the level and may even make it up to the summit, This is because the athlete must have special health standards clearly reflected on his life and work, study, and Tkona The ideal wife distinct and want to be a member of your family different from others you need to organize a list of your diet, whether you're in Ramadan or in regular days.
Special abilities
D. Mohamed Saad Abdel-Latif
Consultant emphasizes healthy nutrition, sports and professor of biochemistry at the University of Cairo d. Mohamed Saad Abdul-Latif for "ocean" that every sports game has elements of food commensurate with the capabilities of sports, every player is different Tfasl his diet from the other, even if the practitioner to the same game, depending on the criteria and genetic capabilities and skills, as well as different from each system by sex and nature of the activities and things others, such as the study or the nature of the work.
D explains. Mohamed Saad must be the mother or wife to learn that the upbringing of athlete is something that needs to look different philosophy of food and meals, because the sport needs some ingredient that makes the body strong and the mind of a sensitive nerves calm and wisdom in the act, and so in order to keep members strong and circulation excellent and good ability to take advantage of the oxygen needed for energy, dry enjoys a strong immune device and flexibility in muscles and joints, stressing that it is necessary to focus on the strength of sports physical, mental and neurological that need to power vehicles by eating certain foods, namely:
Marine fish
Characterized by fish of the seas and oceans that they contain compounds strength and vitality such as "mackerel - tuna - shrimp - feeling - Amber - bass - sharks - whale - Turtle - snakes - brown algae and sea green.
Each of these types Tsui, whether steamed or cut slices and add fresh lemon when eating and not be eaten with any other food, a meal containing protein compounds for power structure strong and flexible muscles and joints soft.
Include meat (buffalo - the camel - sheep and goats - rabbits Municipal - Kaware - weft head - hearts and kidneys جاموسي of or wholesale).
The best way to cook only by boiling or steaming, taking into account not add any components during cooking, or you can add lemon or sesame paste salad only when ingested.
Of the main sources of energy and power, namely: (different kinds of rice - Egyptian wheat - lupine - peas - yellow lentils - maize), and the optimal ways of cooking are:
* Wash and soaked grains for 2: 3 hours and then boiled in a little water until maturity, and direct approach without any additives and dealt with in a separate meal.
* The dynamic method can soak grain after crushed and soaked in water and leave the refrigerator for "1-4? Day and then hit into a blender and drink throughout the day.
A major source of building strength and is available in dairy goats, buffalo and camels Local either after ring directly without any transactions or yogurt or milk, boiled, with the exclusion of any dairy packed or other products, are addressed in the meal independently or with (honey bee - Dates - natural fruit), as well as honey cream considered an important source of energy.
Fresh vegetables
The main source of vitamins, vital and mental strength and neurological They include all the vegetables except those genetically engineered and produced in the off-season season normal.
Can be taken after thoroughly washed directly whether one type or more than one type in one meal or meal independent, and taken repeatedly during dish salad green and can increase the usefulness of adding olive oil or corn or wheat germ oil as well as sprinkle garlic powder, and the more vegetables authority whenever increased vitality, and can be taken in the form of juice vegetables such as tomatoes or carrots .. Etc..
Fresh fruit
Are a major source for durability and reduce pain, vitality and strength, which is the direct handling of fruit and juices through a separate meal and in the off-season only and not eating genetically engineered ones.
Fresh oil
A source of energy and vehicles power muscles, blood and source of vitamins and strength of mind and nerves the most important oils (olive - warm - sesame - wheat germ - corn - cod liver - soy) and can be addressed directly to the cold or in addition to the dish food before communion directly on the grain or power.
Natural bee honey
It has anemia under his banner group diseases resulting from either the deterioration of the number of red blood cells in the blood or of the low level of hemoglobin in the blood cells, or both, the result is the inability of erythrocytes to carry enough oxygen from the lungs to various body tissues distributed between the top the head and the soles of the feet. As is known, the red blood cells are made in the bone marrow during the period of nearly five days to go then to the blood where you live 120 days and then are destroyed.
Is the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow, and this production needs to key elements, such as iron, vitamin B12 and vitamin B9 and vitamin w. College is involved in the production process by hormone Alaritropuecan which works on induction of spinal erythropoiesis-making. There are several forms of anemia, depending on the cause, and on the whole it can be said that there are two forms of anemia: the first resulting from the defect in the production of blood cells. And second because of the break erythropoiesis.
The leading risk factors for anemia are many, including:
> Bleeding visible and invisible, and is considered one of the most important factors responsible for anemia, but causes فكثيرة, including accidents, surgeries, bleeding from the nose and menstrual bleeding and peptic ulcers and hemorrhoids and tumors of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract. When bleeding occurs trying to bone marrow to produce more blood cells to compensate for the shortfall, but if the bleeding is severe, the marrow is unable to meet this Fataty demand for drop in blood pressure numbers and a shortage of supply various tissues بالأوكسيجين the.
> Malnutrition. The production of blood cells requires the availability of metallic iron, copper and some vitamins such as B-12, B-9, w, along hormone Alaretrobiotin which induces the bone marrow to make pellets. The lack of one or more of these elements leads to a decline in the production of red blood cells or to the production of blood cells is effective at the functional level.
> Chronic diseases such as cancer, liver disease and chronic inflammatory diseases, AIDS.
> Malabsorption diseases.
> Alcohol addiction.
> Pregnancy and lactation.
> Blood diseases and immune diseases.
> Medicines that cause bleeding bloody hidden.
> Exposure to radiation.
> Intestinal worms, especially worms Alonkalostomo.
Pretending anemia beams and signs, including pallor and general weakness and rapid fatigue, shortness of breath, and speed up the heart rate and cardiac functional Puff, dizziness and tinnitus in the ear and loss of appetite. In iron deficiency anemia see special signs are: brittle nails, Tqaaraa and atrophy of tongue papillae and inflammation of the corners of the mouth and the fragility of hair falling out and Plummer Vinson syndrome (which includes a package of symptoms are inflammation of the tongue and the small size of the tongue and ten swallowing).
And iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia in the world, estimated to be infected numbers ranged between 500 and 600 million. The reason is due to the shallowness of iron ore in the food or the loss of iron due to bleeding.
And has the rights of between 3 and 5 grams of iron, there are two-thirds in hemoglobin blood in erythropoiesis, the rest فتخزن in the liver and muscle cells and retinal endothelial, and much of this iron store will be in the form of ferritin (ie, iron linked with protein) soluble in water The remainder shall be in the form of iron Imosideren is also linked protein, but it is characterized in that it does not dissolve in water.
The loss of menstrual blood, and severe infections and eating anti-rheumatic drugs and food shortages contained and diseases of the digestive malabsorption, is considered one of the most important reasons for the lack of iron in the body. As is well known, there are factors that help to absorb iron from the gut of the most important need for iron and vitamin w stomach acid and organic acids and sugars. In contrast, there are factors that impede the absorption of iron, including: the presence of phosphate and excessive secretion of alkali gland البانكرياس and defect in the lining of the intestines and stomach surgeries and acid Alvaatic and fiber, legumes and tea and coffee.
For one reason or another, some people can not absorb vitamin B12 or do not take Kvaithm of the vitamin folic acid (B9) فيتراجع production of red blood cell in the bone marrow, and evolve to have a type of anemia in which the pellets large abnormal. As the poisoning of some medicines may trigger this type of anemia.
There aplastic anemia, in which the bone marrow fails to produce enough of the three types of cells are erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets. Fortunately, this type of anemia is rare, and in 50 percent of cases, the poisoning caused by chemicals or drugs, or as a result of exposure to radiation or after the occurrence of leukemia or following immune diseases settlement of or viral infection. In the remaining cases of aplastic anemia reason is unknown.
There is also a hemolytic anemia, in which erythropoiesis normal, but are replaced faster than the speed of the production of the cells that replaced by plants in the bone marrow. This type of anemia may be genetically or acquired. It happens hemolytic anemia syndrome after exposure to immune diseases or allergic or infectious or toxic, or even after eating beans because of a lack of yeast called glucose - 6 - phosphate Diedroginaz, there are multiple forms of the lack of this yeast depending on the mutations that have occurred in the gene involved, and in this type from anemia, red blood cells break down, this might be a violent break-up is associated with an acute failure in college, especially in children who ranged in age from two to six years.
In the list of hemolytic anemia find sickle cell anemia, which is where blood cells Red Crescent textures (ie sickle) completely different from pellets regular, this recent slide easily into streams veins vessels and lifetime of 120 days, while blood cells sickle Vtjd very difficult to move Veins in the heart of the bloody remains squeezed, causing obstructive obstacles that result in severe pain and high temperature, except that the age of sickle red ball is too short as it does not exceed ten days to twenty days at the most.
In conclusion, keep the following observations:
- Some of them imagined that anemia affects only the poor, and this is wrong because it is seen when the rich also.
- Some believe that the anemia disease can not dangerous and that is wrong with his own eyes, blood Vvqr may lead to dire consequences, but may not be fatal.
- Anemia in children with serious implications if it is not remedied in a timely manner, because it affects the mental capacities of the child and leaves a negative impact on academic and social life and future.
- Some thought that the crisis ends anemia fill the abdomen with food, but crying to the moon to be that simple.
Make you a hero
Ocean - names Ibchl the
There is no doubt that every wife wants her husband to be distinctive in good health and has high physical strength than "Hercules" or "Muhammad Ali", all this is possible in your hand, especially if a particular sport or exercise regularly have to go to the gym.
If you do not exercise your husband for sport you encouraging is your children on it, but if your spouse or one of your family members practiced sports game featuring them here comes your turn to maintain this superiority first encouraged and secondly the work program of special diet to maintain the level and may even make it up to the summit, This is because the athlete must have special health standards clearly reflected on his life and work, study, and Tkona The ideal wife distinct and want to be a member of your family different from others you need to organize a list of your diet, whether you're in Ramadan or in regular days.
Special abilities
D. Mohamed Saad Abdel-Latif
Consultant emphasizes healthy nutrition, sports and professor of biochemistry at the University of Cairo d. Mohamed Saad Abdul-Latif for "ocean" that every sports game has elements of food commensurate with the capabilities of sports, every player is different Tfasl his diet from the other, even if the practitioner to the same game, depending on the criteria and genetic capabilities and skills, as well as different from each system by sex and nature of the activities and things others, such as the study or the nature of the work.
D explains. Mohamed Saad must be the mother or wife to learn that the upbringing of athlete is something that needs to look different philosophy of food and meals, because the sport needs some ingredient that makes the body strong and the mind of a sensitive nerves calm and wisdom in the act, and so in order to keep members strong and circulation excellent and good ability to take advantage of the oxygen needed for energy, dry enjoys a strong immune device and flexibility in muscles and joints, stressing that it is necessary to focus on the strength of sports physical, mental and neurological that need to power vehicles by eating certain foods, namely:
Marine fish
Characterized by fish of the seas and oceans that they contain compounds strength and vitality such as "mackerel - tuna - shrimp - feeling - Amber - bass - sharks - whale - Turtle - snakes - brown algae and sea green.
Each of these types Tsui, whether steamed or cut slices and add fresh lemon when eating and not be eaten with any other food, a meal containing protein compounds for power structure strong and flexible muscles and joints soft.
Include meat (buffalo - the camel - sheep and goats - rabbits Municipal - Kaware - weft head - hearts and kidneys جاموسي of or wholesale).
The best way to cook only by boiling or steaming, taking into account not add any components during cooking, or you can add lemon or sesame paste salad only when ingested.
Of the main sources of energy and power, namely: (different kinds of rice - Egyptian wheat - lupine - peas - yellow lentils - maize), and the optimal ways of cooking are:
* Wash and soaked grains for 2: 3 hours and then boiled in a little water until maturity, and direct approach without any additives and dealt with in a separate meal.
* The dynamic method can soak grain after crushed and soaked in water and leave the refrigerator for "1-4? Day and then hit into a blender and drink throughout the day.
A major source of building strength and is available in dairy goats, buffalo and camels Local either after ring directly without any transactions or yogurt or milk, boiled, with the exclusion of any dairy packed or other products, are addressed in the meal independently or with (honey bee - Dates - natural fruit), as well as honey cream considered an important source of energy.
Fresh vegetables
The main source of vitamins, vital and mental strength and neurological They include all the vegetables except those genetically engineered and produced in the off-season season normal.
Can be taken after thoroughly washed directly whether one type or more than one type in one meal or meal independent, and taken repeatedly during dish salad green and can increase the usefulness of adding olive oil or corn or wheat germ oil as well as sprinkle garlic powder, and the more vegetables authority whenever increased vitality, and can be taken in the form of juice vegetables such as tomatoes or carrots .. Etc..
Fresh fruit
Are a major source for durability and reduce pain, vitality and strength, which is the direct handling of fruit and juices through a separate meal and in the off-season only and not eating genetically engineered ones.
Fresh oil
A source of energy and vehicles power muscles, blood and source of vitamins and strength of mind and nerves the most important oils (olive - warm - sesame - wheat germ - corn - cod liver - soy) and can be addressed directly to the cold or in addition to the dish food before communion directly on the grain or power.
Natural bee honey
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