الجمعة، 23 أغسطس 2013

كيف يتم التنظيف الزبالة الموجودة هنا؟
Felt love lovers
Look at the eyes and the words
Felt eagerly and tenderness
Of girlhood heavens eyes
Repute claimed talk time
When a doctor revealed loved ones
Wenta heart charmed the hearts of people
Where my mind where safety
I knew your heart the meaning of rights
In sight spring happiness and dreams
In your heart of love without title
The dream of my heart I willFelt love lovers
Look at the eyes and the words
Felt eagerly and tenderness
Of girlhood heavens eyes
Repute claimed talk time
When a doctor revealed loved ones
Wenta heart charmed the hearts of people
Where my mind where safety
I knew your heart the meaning of rights
In sight spring happiness and dreams
In your heart of love without title
The dream of my heart I will be with you be with you

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