الخميس، 20 يونيو 2013

U.S. soldier recognitio

Anyone who will read these confessions will feel nauseous and need to have met, and may not be able to consider human beings and Americans people سويين, it does not matter to be bearers of culture and Western values.

U.S. soldier recognition

Confessions of an American soldier who involved Iraq Bgzoa.

Anyone who will read these confessions will feel nauseous and need to have met, and may not be able to consider human beings and Americans people سويين, it does not matter to be bearers of culture and Western values.

 فالنازيون who describe Kzbd and the scum of humanity and facilities in the respectable masters to قارنتهم with these Americans.

And you the full text of a television interview with the American soldier Jesse MacBeth which reflects the image of painful, unspeakable human brow, where the events fall under the violation of human rights and genocide.

May 19, 2011

Muhannad Shaykhli ... muhannad alsheikhly

The full text of a television interview with Jesse MacBeth
May 21, 2006
We went to the house of former combatants participated in the Iraq war, Jesse MacBeth and his wife Lynn and Redaahm newborn. Jesse served as a soldier in Iraq for a period of 16 months before being injured and then finished his service from the U.S. military, and is now a member of the Association "Warriors of Iraq veterans against the war."
"Jesse: I thought I would become a hero, that I'm going to be the best and to protect my country, and to make sure that the rest of the people in my country do not suffer (from harm). I still want to perform my duty, both innocent people and I was proud of my country, ببيتي, the Governments.
Initially sent to Korea for one week to capture more soldiers, and which we sent all of us to Kuwait and from there we went to Baghdad.
When I got to him and I stayed in, changed my view of the country entirely. When we were in Kuwait, let us know بمهماتنا and the nature of our soldiers, and Orushdohna that raise the fear of us in the heart of the Iraqis. This is what they told us. They told us Work to achieve this fear whatever it takes. Let us know that will not Thaspena leadership on our those, will not do Bathamna any misdemeanor, Arise, even including you need to do whatever it takes to them Ikhavunk. Told us that be Qasion them. They told us that we are not there for them, as we have our own goals, the Geneva Convention does not mean anything for us. The Geneva Convention on everything from political waste.
So, when I heard that I wondered to myself, what happened to those values ​​and military speak who Jpelln it? What happened to the slogan, "We are going there to liberate the people"? I found out later that the "Operation Iraqi Freedom" is in fact the case, "the slaughter of Iraq."
I remember after we received our basic instructions, he had asked us at first that we go and evacuate bunkers that had been bombed by our air force and very strongly. We had to get into the shelters and make sure destroyer of death, and even if he had stayed alive any women or children or anyone under the debris. We had to spend all of them and end their lives and then pull their bodies out of the shelter.
These were places such as shelters for protection from small bombs under the floor, or even basements in homes. Most of the families of the disappeared, but our officials were assert our presence rebels holed up inside, or if Saddam's forces were hiding there.
So we landed inside the those basements destructive, and it was a lot of the dead, but that many of them were still alive, and only injured. I remember walking in there, smell the smell of burning flesh, and I hear people crying, and I hear an appeal who Istjdonna to help them because they thought that we were there for them, and I see the dead bodies rotting. However, we were remaining kill them, even those who did not become infected with serious injuries.
Changed after those initial events, having witnessed, because after you have work to hurt other people's lives, I felt like I had lost a lot of myself I am.
There was on average, sometimes more, sometimes less, five or six people who remained alive after the bombing of a shelter, you can either wounded or had تأذوا just a little bit or they resorted to such depths to avoid explosion Parent and tried to hide behind anything. It did not say that at all, because we had to kill them all inside the shelter, away from the eyes of the media, and then get them out of the rubble.
At many times, were not definite information Almkhabertah to the presence of rebels inside those buildings. I think they told us of their existence only because the media had exaggerated ordered the bombing process in particular, and to make things look as if they were working the right thing.
The rebels heinous acts for American soldiers. Do not pretend that what Amloh us it is true, but at the same time, if some people came to America, and a huge foreign army, and based Baelchenaúa that we've made to the Iraqis, I would become just like them, and I do the same work against the invaders. People have the right to fight for their families, and their country, especially if we of their country نرهب, they have the right to resistance. I do not blame them. I was I'm going to do the same thing.
They told me that I am a traitor to say so, and added other epithets. Well, I feel like a traitor, but I betray all the things that taught them the army and the actions that forced me to do. And not to talk about it, I feel that I I have betrayed رفقائي the arms of those who died in this war.
After that, we were night attacks on houses, and we pull people out of their homes and force them to kneel and then handcuffed. Then we were Psool the householder a question, and if it can not our answer including intercede إستفسارنا, we kill the younger child shot in the head, and continue Bastjawabna. It may be an innocent man, it may be possible to be an ordinary man trying to protect his family. However, if you do not give a convincing answer, we we were to kill his family members one by one to tell us something. That was something terrible. Meanwhile, I did not feel anything, but I only perform my duty. I wanted to be a good soldier.
But I felt a mistake. You disgusted by myself, because I had to be forced myself to hate these people, in order to be able to implement my duty. I had to I consider not as human beings, but see them only as a target, an enemy, or stripped of their humanity. Only then I can live with what I was doing to them. However, I am still not able to, it is extremely difficult to have to deal with this inhuman feeling, especially after I came back to my country; However, this thinking it was the only way to me in a timely manner to carry out my duties.
I did not do km killed one of them, but I can say that only hand you've probably spent over 200 people, including, approx. The initial estimate, and I spent a lot of them in close proximity, such as the distance between you and me, or the nearest. When we Nahjm on houses, they are very close to us, to the extent that they feel warmly gun on their foreheads. I was not fired at them from nearby that distance, but you sit back a little and shot them. We had to Nkifam the first, and perhaps we beat them, or Parvshm, or wife beating, or even do some of our soldiers harassing their wives for Igazthm order Abouhoa us something.
We Nahjm at night on multiple houses, and kill about 30 or 40 people, women and children that night. I did not volunteer for military service for women and children were killed. I have trained in a military school for a period of 18 months. I did not want to kill, only for murder. I wanted a military challenge, I wanted to fight other soldiers. However, I was forced to fight against women and children and innocent people who do not know how to fight.
I was frustrated and disappointed in my really, in my Government, I did not say anything at the time because I سأتعرض to the prison and the court-martial if I spoke during my stay in active service.
Other things that they asked us to do is hurry to enter the mosques. And this much يآذيني, really. Comes to me most كوابيسي of that period. Told to enter the mosque, where people had to perform their prayers in late night. Regular they do not Aisalom the late, but they do so in some holy days they have. We have تسللنا the inside the mosque before prayer time and wait for their arrival. The number of worshipers to reach a few of the hundreds of all ages, women and men. And while they are Mngmaren in their prayers begin shooting dense them and kill them and then take out the bodies from the mosque and we بحرقهم their bodies, and we are writing on the walls of the mosque: "you are not safe here and you go," and "to accept God (Allah) my ass and America." And we leave some of the bodies in the streets. After a very Amtedt period of my business, but I feel that my may حولتني to the same thing that I fight against it.
Now, as I look back, I realized that we are terrorists. We who have intimidated their country, and fight a people full of people who did not do anything wrong against us. Iraq did not have anything to do with an attack of 9/11. I did not know it at the time, but I know now. I feel that the death of my fellow fighters and my suffering, and all the soldiers there, it was for something trivial, it was in order to cover up the lies, and that is difficult for me now to live with this fact. I speak of this, as I feel it is my words that I at least do something to justify the dead.
Many Iraqis no يريدونا there. We were fired on the protesters because we told us that they were armed, whether or not they have a weapon. They tell us: "They have a weapon, you that they تهجموا and then we will find weapons with them." However, we did not find any weapons with them after killing them. He commanded us to ask us even shooting at children who were يرموننا the stones, or on demonstrators waving protest banners or flags are burned. Our mission was to kill, kill, kill. You know what joke by now: "What makes the green grass grow? Red القاني ". So have I was disappointed in my country. I am ashamed of my service in Iraq. And the reason I wear this hat and go to these meetings is so that I can speak and tell the truth and to know the people that I was there and I'm ashamed of landing harming innocent people. I am ashamed to participate in one of the most atrocious actions of the governments of the launching.
Iraq's terrible. A lot of people are dying and a lot of things happen. I lost a lot of my friends. A lot of soldiers now return to America, and they are unable to deal with the atrocities practiced when they were working there, and our government do not bother to do so. Most people do not care about that. There who cares, but the majority of Americans do not care about it. There are warriors Iraq veterans who are now displaced and homeless here; There are veterans of the Vietnam War veterans are still displaced, there are warriors Desert Storm veterans who are homeless as well. If people here really cared as much as what they say, they have to work on the implementation of their words and يبدلوا this is reality. They have to stop the killings, because each person U.S. supporter of this war, is in fact the case support each pulverizer death there in Iraq and all loss of life. The losses in the lives of Iraqis are hundreds of thousands of people. I did not realize that it is possible the death of so many people and hide it from the rest of the world.
While I was in Iraq, I saw the drill floor and wide filled with burned or buried objects. How they managed to hide it from the rest of the world? How to hide all those deaths, many of them innocent? It's really a genocide.
Our country has become a terrorist, and that people hate us. I love my country, and is ready to die for my country on any given day; But I will not die for our president, I will die for our government. If I have to fight again, it would be in order to expel the lounger outside his office. I'm tired of Iraq. I'm tired of all these deaths, watching all these people, and I feel bitter because I was involved.
I remember this incident there, a family. After that we attacked a house, and found it a woman embraces her three young children. One of them was year old, slightly older than my son, and two children aged five or maybe seven years. They are not elderly at all, and were تحتضنهم it was sitting on the ground, however, covered by the blood from the wounds of one of her children. I first saw her. Invoked me and begged me to protect and save their children. But I did not do it, but killed all of them, because I had to do it. Not a day passes now without regret what I did to that family. I think then my son very much. What if that was my son, and if one came and killed my family?
Iraq's terrible, and what we do there is an error. I can not say it enough. If you have a dream to serve your country, you have to take another route. You must work to stop the war. I had the same thoughts about having luxury glorious war hero as I was influenced by stories of Vietnam soldiers.
People were telling me: "The war is not like you can think of." But I have not listened to their words. And when you go there and Tatsrk the experience of war, then realize that the people they are correct in their advice, and that war is horrible, and should not be a subject to have that experience.
That our military is lying to you and your manipulated, and ultimately, they will do what they liked your one will hold them formally accountable, and the government full power and ability to do this. A lot of people believe that this is not true, but look at Iraq. We are terrorizing the nation, while no one Ahaspena.
Men who enter the army here, to do their revolution within the army, and here in America. I would recommend it. If you want Ulkipa the

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