الأربعاء، 19 يونيو 2013

Change the psychology of the best

Change the psychology of the best self-change for the better
Change: is the process of transformation of the situation and realistic experienced to unchanged desired interested.

Fields: the things that you like to be changed
1 - principles and values.
2 - behavior and dealing with others.
3 methods of management and leadership.
4 - the social aspect.
5 - specialization and study.
6 - tendencies and desires and hobbies.
7 - skills and abilities.
8 - responsibilities and powers.

The necessity of change indicators (proportion of their presence in your life to change):
1 - frustration.
2 - boredom.
3 - Frequent problems.
4 - lack of productivity.
6 - routine and the weakness of creativity.
7 - Not feeling the importance of life.
8 - than competitors and peers.

Justification for the change (why change?) 1
1 - to solve problems.
2 - to prove oneself.
3 - to eliminate boredom.
4 - to increase efficiency.
5 - to keep up with the progress.
6 - to achieve the demands of others.

Curriculum change rules:
1 - change from within the self to the verse: {Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves (Thunder: 11) Valrcol did not alter his uncle Abu Talib and flame father died unbelievers.
2 - change faster than the physical intellectual change.
3 - aspiring ready and intellectuals faster than others.
4 - friction Balemtemizin the change increases the chances of success.
5 - Transfer to goals is important for the success of projects.

6 - No change is flexibility.
7 - patience.
8 - Search pads.
9 - Planning.
10 - Every change will face resistance, be prepared.
11 - high morals.
12 - good relations.
13 - Understanding the psychologists.
: - Discomfort (normal and expected)
- Do not carry big change: (priority level)
- Loneliness: (look for a partner).
- There is not enough resources: (creativity and innovation).
- Return to the past: (new habits).

The people of the change to the following
: 1 - fear the gains.
2 - fear for their relations.
3 - fear of the unknown.
4 - fear of the opposition.
5 - fear of lack of capacity.

Steps change
: 1 - the feeling of pain.
2 - setting goals.
3 - Determine the performance gap (the difference between reality and objective).
4 - the study of the causes.
5 - Identification of projects.
6 - shoring required.
7 - implementation.

- Greater specific change
: 1 - Praying
2 - depending on God Almighty

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