“Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you.” [Surah al-Baqarah (2):185]
Anas bin Maalik (t) said:
Three people came to the houses of the wives of the Prophet (r) asking about the worship of the Prophet (r). When they were informed, they thought it was too little [for them] and said, “Who are we in comparison to the Prophet (r), for indeed Allah has forgiven him whatever he did in the past as well as the future.” One of them said, “As for me, I will pray the whole night.” Another said, “I will fast every day without rest,” and yet another said, “I will stay away from women and never marry.” The Messenger of Allah (r) came [and when he heard of this, he] said, “Are you the people who said such and such? As for me, by Allah, indeed I am the most fearing of Allah and most protective of not earning his punishment from amongst you, but I fast and I eat, I pray and I sleep, and I marry women. Whoever desires other than my Sunnah, then he is not from me.” (Bukhari)
On the other hand, there should be no shortcoming or softening in regards to the rulings of the religion. The Prophet (r) said:
“Leave me to what I have ordered you. Indeed those before you were destroyed due to their [persistent] questioning, and opposing their Prophets. If I forbid you from something, stay far away from it, and if I command you with something, do as much as it is possible.” (Bukhari)
8) You will see many Muslims who fall short in fulfilling the obligations and refraining from the prohibitions of the religion. You will see that they fall short in da’wah as well. The extent to which one fall short differs from person to person, but it is all due to the fact that Shaytaan is trying his utmost to misguide the children of Adam. Allah (I) says:
“[Iblees (Satan)] said: ‘By Your Might, then I will surely mislead them all.’ ” [Surah as-Saad (32):82-83]
He threatened that he would exert all his efforts in misleading them. Allah (r) says:
“And surely, We created you (your father Adam) and then gave you shape (the noble shape of a human being), then We told the angels, ‘Prostrate to Adam’, and they prostrated, except Iblees (Satan), he refused to be of those who prostrate. * (Allah) said: ‘What prevented you (O Iblees) that you did not prostrate, when I commanded you?’ Iblees said: ‘I am better than him (Adam), You created me from fire, and him You created from clay.’ * (Allah) said: ‘(O Iblees) get down from this (Paradise), it is not for you to be arrogant here. Get out, for you are of those humiliated and disgraced.’ * (Iblees) said: ‘Allow me respite till the Day they are raised up (i.e. the Day of Resurrection).’ * (Allah) said: ‘You are of those allowed respite.’ * (Iblees) said: ‘Because You have sent me astray, surely I will sit in wait against them (human beings) on Your Straight Path. * Then I will come to them from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left, and You will not find most of them as thankful ones (i.e. they will not be dutiful to You).’ * (Allah) said (to Iblees) ‘Get out from this (Paradise) disgraced and expelled. Whoever of them (mankind) will follow you, then surely I will fill Hell with you all.’ ” [Surah al-A’raaf (7):11-18]
Do not let this discourage you from fulfilling the obligation of da’wah to the religion of Allah, and let this be your biggest incentive to try your hardest in serving this religion and calling to it.
9) Adorn yourself with the manners of Islam and apply them in your daily life, such as helping someone who is in need whether you know him or not and smiling at your brothers. The Prophet (r) said:
“Smiling at your brother is regarded as charity, enjoining good and prohibiting evil is charity, showing someone the way when he is lost is charity, helping the weak-sighted is charity, removing a rock, a thorn, or bones from the path is charity, and pouring water from your bucket into the bucket of your brother is charity. (Saheeh ibn Hibbaan)
Your clothes and all your things should be clean. A Muslim must always be clean, for his religion is one of cleanliness. Allah (I) says:
“O Children of Adam! Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes), while praying.” [Surah al-A’raaf (7):31]
Islam stresses that a person differ from other religions and their bad habits. The Prophet Muhammad (r) said:
“Clean your courtyards, for indeed the Jews do not clean their courtyards.” (Suyooti)
You should try to do as many good deeds as possible, such as giving charity, performing voluntary prayers and others.
When one performs these deeds [mentioned above] they are giving indirect da’wah to the Muslims, in that others will try as well to implement these manners. Through them one gives da’wah to the non-Muslims as well, in that they become interested to learn about this religion which calls to cleanliness and good character.
Treat your relatives well, and do not cut ties with them even if they are opposed to you accepting Islam. Your relations should be even better than before so that they might come to like your new way of life. They will come to know that Islam only improved your good relations and manners. Asmaa´ (t) said:
“My mother, who was a pagan during the life of the Messenger of Allah (r), came to me, and so I asked the Messenger of Allah (r): ‘My mother came to me wanting [to meet me]. Should I keep ties with my mother?’ He (r) said: ‘Yes, keep your ties of relation with your mother.’ ” (Bukhari)
10) Know that the struggle between good and evil will continue until the Final Hour. The weakness of the Muslims and the material strength of the disbelievers, the minority of Muslims and the majority of the disbelievers, the backwardness of the Muslims and the advancement of the disbelievers, the decrepitness of the Muslims and the might and honor of the disbelievers; none of these things indicate the falsity of Islam. Rather, they are definite results of the shortcomings of the Muslims in implementing the legislation of their Lord and their abandoning righteous deeds and calling to Allah. ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (t), the second Khaleefah (successor) to the Prophet (r) said:
“We are a people who Allah honored and gave might through Islam. If we were to seek this honor in something else, Allah would humiliate us. The truth has most right to be followed, for indeed Allah created Heaven and Hell, and He has promised that each one will be filled.”
11) Know my brothers and sisters that we are in the last of times (the Last Day is near), and that each year that passes, we become closer to the end of the world and the establishing of the Hour. The Prophet (r) said:
“ ‘I myself and the Hour have been raised like these two,’ and he joined his index and middle fingers.” (Bukhari)
The Prophet (r) foretold the state of Islam [and Muslims] in this time. He (r) said:
“Islam started as a strange thing, and it will again be like it was before: strange. So may glad tidings be to the strangers.” (Muslim)
Having many followers is not a proof for the correctness of a methodology. Allah (r) said:
“And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead you far away from Allah's Path.” [Surah al-An‘aam(6):116]
Also, the Prophet (r) said:
“Glad tidings to the strangers! Glad tidings to the strangers! Glad tidings to the strangers!” Someone asked, “Who are the strangers O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “Righteous people amongst many evil ones. Those who disobey them are more than those who obey.” (Ahmed)
He also clarified the state in which the Muslim who holds on to his religion will be, and the various restrictions he will face [in practicing his religion], whether physical or psychological. The Prophet (r) said:
“Enjoin the good and forbid the evil, but when you see that greed is obeyed, desires followed, the life of this world playing its affect on people, and that people are pleased with their own opinions, stick to yourselves and leave commanding the general public with good, for indeed there will be days after you, having patience in them is like grasping a hot coal. One who does righteous deeds in them will receive the reward of fifty people doing the same deed.” (Saheeh ibn Hibbaan)
The Prophet (r) informed that when the Day of Resurrection draws near, the religion will dwindle away into nothing. No person who says “Laa ilaaha ill-Allah” will remain on the face of the Earth, and only the most evil of the creation will remain upon whom the Hour will strike. In a long hadeeth of Nawwaas ibn Sam‘aan which describes the story of the Dajjaal, the descending of ‘Eesaa ibn Maryam, and the coming of Ya´ooj and Ma´jooj, it says:
“… then Allah will send a good and pure wind which will take them underneath their armpits. It will take the soul of every Mu´min and Muslim, and only the most evil of people will remain. They will have sex in the public in front of people like donkeys, and upon them the Hour will strike.” (Muslim)
12) Know that all affairs are judged by the way they end, so be keen to always ask Allah that He keep you steadfast upon Islam, and that He cause you to die with a good end. Make sure your speech and deeds are purely for Allah’s sake, that they are done according to what He legislated, and that you spend your time in Allah’s (r) obedience. Take account of yourself, before you are taken to account, and let Allah see you doing what He commanded not what He forbade.
May Allah keep all of us steadfast on his religion, and cause us to die as Muslims.
Appendix I
Various Chapters of the Qur`an
1) Surah al-Faatihah (The Opening) (1:1)

“Bismillaah ir-Rahmaan ir-Raheem. * Al-Hamdu lillaahi Rubb il-‘Aalameen. * Ar-Rahmaan ir-Raheem. * Maaliki yawm id-deen. * Eyyaaka na’budu wa eyyaaka nasta‘een. * Ihdinas-siraat al-mustaqeem. * Siraat al-ladheena an‘amta ‘alayhim. * Ghayr il-maghdoobi ‘alayhim wa lad-daalleen.”
“In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. * All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists). * The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. * The Only Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection). * You Alone we worship, and You Alone we ask for help. * Guide us to the Straight Way. * The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray.”
2) Surah al-Ikhlaas (The Purity 112:1-4)

“Qul Huw-Allaahu Ahad. * Allaah us-Samad. * Lam yalid, walam yoolad. * Wa lam yakul-lahu kufuwan ahad.”
“Say [O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)]: He is Allah, [the] One. * Allah-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need while He is not in need of them). * He begets not, nor was He begotten. * And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him.”
3) Surah al-Falaq (The Daybreak 113:1-5)

“Qul a‘oodhu bi Rabb-il-falaq. * Min sharri maa khalaq. * Wa min sharri ghaasiqin idhaa waqab. * Wa min sharrin-naffaathaati fil-‘uqad. * Wa min sharri haasidin idhaa hasad.”
“Say: I seek refuge with [Allah] the Lord of the daybreak. * From the evil of what He has created. * And from the evil of the darkening (night) as it comes with its darkness (or the moon as it sets or goes away). * And from the evil of the witches when they blow in the knots; and from the evil of the envier when he envies.”
4) Surah an-Naas (Mankind 114:1-6)

“Qul a‘oodhu bi Rabb in-naas. * Malik in-naas. * Ilaah in-Naas. * Min sharr il-waswaas il-khannaas. * Aladhi yuwaswisu fee sudoor in-naas. * Min al-jinnati wan-naas.”
“Say: I seek refuge with [Allah] the Lord of mankind. * The King of mankind. * The deity of mankind. * From the evil of the whisperer (devil who whispers evil in the hearts of men) who withdraws [from his whispering in ones heart after one remembers Allah]. * Who whispers in the breasts of mankind. Of jinns and men.”
5) Surah al-Kawthar (108:1-3)

“Innaa a’taynaa kal-kawthar. * Fa salli li rubbika wanhar. * Inna shaani`aka huw al-abtar.”
“Verily We have granted you (O Muhammad r) al-Kawthar (a river in Paradise). Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord only and sacrifice. For he who makes you angry (O Muhammad r) he will be cut off (from every good thing in this world and in the Hereafter).”
6) Surah al-‘Asr (Time: 103:1-3)

“Wal-‘Asr. * Innal-insaana la fee khusr. * Illalladheena aamanoo wa ‘amil us-saalihaati wa tawaasaw bil-haqqi wa tawaasaw bis-sabr.”
“By Al-‘Asr (the time). Verily! Man is in loss. Except those who believe (in Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth and recommend one another to patience.”
7) Ayat-ul-Kursi (The Verse of the Pedestal) [Surah al-Baqarah (The Cow (2):255]

“Allaahu laa ilaaha illaa huw al-Hayy ul-Qayyoom. Laa ta´khudhuhoo sintataw wa laa nawm. Lahu maa fis-samaawaati wa maa fil-ard. Man dhal-ladhee yashfa‘u ‘indahu illaa bi idhnih. Ya’lamu maa bayna aydeehim wa maa khalfahum. Wa laa yuheetoona bi shay`im min ‘ilmihee illaa bimaa shaa´. Wasi‘a kursiyuhus-samaawaati wal-ard. Wa laa ya`ooduhu hif-dhuhumaa wa huwal-‘Aliyy ul-Adheem.”
“Allah! None has the right to be worshipped but He, the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission? He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter. And they will never encompass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His Footstool extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.”
Appendix II
Supplications to be recited after the Obligatory Prayers
It is from the Sunnah of the Prophet (r) that you say the following supplications after every obligatory prayer, following his (r) guidance.
‹‹ أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ ، أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ ، أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ. ››
“Astaghfir-ullaah, Astaghfir-ullaah, Astaghfir-ullaah.”
“I seek Allah’s forgiveness, I seek Allah’s forgiveness. I seek Allah’s forgiveness.”
‹‹ اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ السَّلاَمُ وَمِنْكَ السَّلاَمُ تَبَارَكْتَ يَا ذَا الْجَلالِ وَالإِكْرَامِ. ››
“Allaahumma ant as-Salaam wa mink as-Salaam tabaarakta yaa dhal-Jalaali wal-Ikraam.”
“O Allah, You are free from all defects and deficiencies, and from you is all peace, Blessed are You, O Possessor of Majesty and Honor.”
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