الجمعة، 12 أبريل 2013

Similar positions and contradictory reactions


Similar positions and contradictory reactions! .... Did you ask why this contradiction? .. Why the different reactions of people? .... Why is our analysis procedure of things ..Delayed the wife in the house # 1 began husband thinks how his wife does not respect it for being late or she resigned from the amount does not obey him angry Fastqublha barrage of beatings ...... and delayed the wife in the house # 2 began husband worries his wife may have occurred in an accident or hit hated Vqlq fearing her When Astqublaha saw a barrage of hugs and kisses because he was reassured that it's okay!!Streets Traffic begins driver # 1 thinking how the world last time that people neglected and Msthtron not know the etiquette of the drive begins and insults ..... streets Traffic فيسعد driver # 2 as an opportunity because the mention of God or hear anything which keeps it from the Koran or that this is test from God to test his patience and his dream to create a God so they calm reassuring.True happiness is inner peace .... so reassuring that is in you in spite of all the external conditions that surround you .... the conditions were good shall rejoice and you are assured though conditions evil Vtsber and you also reassuring ....****************************Sometimes ßĘíŃ impossible, in people who HuwaliaAs impossible, them Mesh impossible, on their shape and dressImpossible, to their eye Elly Bhol I Carry them into their lives and their world and their psychology (any big talk de)And thinking .......What did you really let one of us tired and nauseated and lost their sameRepeat of the sameTani?Of the sameI mean possible What Aconc reason shit problems or got a problemNo still the not Vhmto I meanI mean why any problem no matter how trivial possible cause us a major crisis and effectiveMeans any one has problemsBut when one amplifier and dusted and Sayb like Bicoloa dogs DiabhaComplex and one Ui and maximized every need under an electron microscopeAnd Tani sane one each offset the problem of thinking first and foremost in the resolved quietly whatever this problemWhat's the difference? .......The first de Petherb of himselfAnd careful not self-confident and funkyAnd Altalt remainedFahim himself has peace myselfThe problem is deThat one is really understand himselfFew of us Ui do Elly Babaky understand trueOk means any Fahim himselfAnd How did one same estimated understand?Good question: (Wajih Now you Aainy is a question)The most important need Ashan Any one of us live true and estimated human remains successfulNecessary Aref remains:1 - is Maine and Aiz any Haousel to eh?.2 - and remains Arif limits and abilities and dreams QdhaAnd understand the value of the same.3 - and knows that he is if Aiz remains a need HibakiČÓ works actuation and Yeceb rest on our Lord.4 - necessary violin remains Arif disadvantages of any advantages ofRemains the same MraahNot with the first problem evades everything or hold everything.5 - Pacific logical thinking and planning for all the steps of his life.6 - candor: the most important need is explicitly not just disadvantages and advantages but the violinTo offset the position of facing true very frankly with himself and with others Ashan estimated draw himExperience Elly sure Htvidh in his life.Of course de all just reasons causing internal psychological comfort to humansBut downright where nothing Pisaad on everything Elly said above deBecause its implementation is not easy like what we Bnicolh like thatDe factor or thing de* Is the relationship between man and his Lord de between them and the internal psychological comfort or inner peace is a positive relationshipThe more the relationship between him and his Lord and trusted grown quieter and more convenient.7 - of the important factors also a mustHe has great hope in his life Omh Yeceb frustration and despair Atkhalloh whatever problemsAnd Baiqy confident"Van with hardship comes ease * with hardship comes ease"And not all minimum Dilmh and he has to be a glimmer of light and hope.If fate achieve inner peace psychological de downright Hencon happier.Has the praise of God

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