That we can easily overcome this by developing the following skills.1 - self-definition: The first step in reaching self-confidence lies in your ability to provide or educate others about yourself when they meet you for the first time. The issue is very simple .. Walk into one of them smiling and look at it, then say: "hello, I’m (so and so)." It follows that in both occasions, formal or informal, regardless of whether young or too old, it will be able to form friendships quickly. Reach out your hand and show affection .. Of course this does not mean that you can never exceeded the bounds of decency and show a lot of intimacy; This would cause confusion and rumors in a jiffy. It is also necessary to be sure that you want to meet the other party.2 - Definition others: after the end of the definition yourself, will you make your new friend to others .. Here, we have to take into account the following rules:- When two persons definition must be drawn to the name of the most important person first; any mention of the name of the person who is supposed to receive the most attention from the group.- The person is younger to older people than younger.- Is to provide men to women.- Is to provide staff to the managers.3 - Conversation Skills: After completion of the move to dating how to start dialogues with others .. After a few brief comments it’s time to real dialogue .. But how?Loves people - usually - speak for themselves, and all you need is ask some questions to others in time to lead them into this, but here must be to ensure that the questions raised commensurate with the nature of the meeting, and to avoid the launch of sensitive issues (such as politics, religion , health, money … etc). The show you the latest developments in various fields - through newspapers, newspapers and specialist publications - it is to provide you with good topics for a variety of dialogues. Need to be some courage, but the reader is familiar with the good and the dialogue can anyone in any occasion.Now, after that we were able to open a dialogue, it is important to know how Nnhia .. All you have to do is to say: "Sorry, I was very pleased to meet you .." You can add "I think I see (my client, managers … etc)."4 - to move from a status of "guest" to "host": If you are invited to a reception or business meeting, you are the guest, but be able to do the role of the host that is wonderful indeed.
So you’re the girl he wishes to everyone???Being a pomegranate tree in the greenery, in a good fruit, beautiful Zahrha.
2 being a strong will.
3 Take your decisions yourself positive.
4 Anala of science as you can.
5 Keep your reputation Kalzjajh it is impossible to repair if broken.
6 for Atgrk honeyed words may be a trap for you.
7 Be careful of relationships Abrcpkh electronic (Internet).
8 does not Tercda behind the marriage, but Make Mmizzatk that prepares you to access it.
9 Onottk fed by peaceful means.
10 Stay away from what Lixin you and your family.
11 for your self-confidence was high.
13 Do not offer him a lot of complaints.
14 Take care of the soul and nourishment of the mind.
15 being a collaborator for the love of good.
16 taxpayers from home.
17 Keep your relationship with your family.
18 does not Tzlma key is your reputation you love before marriage regardless of that person.
19 for not in the knowledge that the man wants to marry him and be worthy of the merit raise his children.
20 Take care Bzantek away from exaggeration.
21 Keep away from blind imitation of others.
Think 22 times and times before going ahead with the move, which determine the future of your life.
23-something Atamla feel regret it.
24 Avoid any action that is in secret, and discovers an important secret hidden in the day.
25 Being healthy faith with yourself and with others.
26 Take care of proper Bslock Tguenaa others depending on you.
27 of Atkthrey crying, not tears and on time, and location of the event.
28 Respect Onottk not Tafrti them.
29 Do not you want to Tnkhaddaa statements from your evil.
30 did not spread your password is only for those people closest to you so as not to exploit it against you.
31 for your face was always smiling.
32 Be strong to the problems and difficulties.
33 Make the argument (women bow to the breeze and waves break against the wind)Like Top
34 being a perfect wife in every way.
Read about 35 famous women in the world in general and the Islamic world in particular.
36 for not Raúank Vuahh Venus.
37 Hebrew for high self-confidence of your views.
38 If you are working you are Hold Bmhartk practical and scientific.
39 Avreda respect for others you Bslock straight.
40 small of fear of dealing with others regardless of their gender and that your will power.
41 Be brave in the face of harm to you.
42 No overdo it in the show shame, shame is a good thing for girls, but exaggerating it is granular.
43 away from being over-explicit.
44 Make your mother-friendly for you.
45 read what is useful to you.
46 Take care Behndamk and not a manifestation of modesty.
47 not Tsadeghi girl’s playful Onhashr you whatever you are committed.
48 Hold the teachings of your religion.
49 Being aware of the world around you.
50 Keep away from ratification of witches and sorcerers whatever it cost you.
A man who Ioaill not to break the link between him and the creator through Moaillh to pray on time and in the mosque and Ioaill to recite the Koran will be away from the immorality because prayer restrains from indecency and evil and who did not have completed his prayer for Alghachae and evil there is no prayer to him, as well as if the work of that advice Jane Sever all the ground in front of it Thiaaaaaaaaaty my good brother.
Conversation Skills: After completion of the move to dating how to start dialogues with others .. After a few brief comments it’s time to real dialogue .. But how?Loves people - usually - speak for themselves, and all you need is ask some questions to others in time to lead them into this, but here must be to ensure that the questions raised commensurate with the nature of the meeting, and to avoid the launch of sensitive issues (such as politics, religion , health, money … etc). The show you the latest developments in various fields - through newspapers, newspapers and specialist publications - it is to provide you with good topics for a variety of dialogues. Need to be some courage, but the reader is familiar with the good and the dialogue can anyone in any occasion.Now, after that we were able to open a dialogue, it is important to know how Nnhia .. All you have to do is to say: "Sorry, I was very pleased to meet you .." You can add "I think I see (my husband, my client, managers … etc)."4 - to move from a status of "guest" to "host": If you are invited to a reception or business meeting, you are the guest, but be able to do the role of the host that is wonderful indeed.Be the "host" (whether people or more) optimistic and enthusiastic, so that the definition of others by himself, known to each other and uses the skills of the modern and the meeting runs well .. In addition, it reflects the nature of self-confidence and leadership skills through social.Although they may not be of such a nature, but he could make his behavior and the high-Dmattth seem real when others preferred to himself. The "guest" so reluctant to socialize with others, waiting for the host aside to offer to the rest of the guests. It awaits the initiative of others, and generally lacks the courage and initiative. This can explain his actions on others that get bigger or introverted.Act "host" requires us to move out of our comfort on, and try to provide comfort to others away from selfishness so that everyone sees those "hosts" as leaders and confidence in themselves, and wish to imply that they have the ability just to spread joy and comfort in those forums.By following these four steps where we can "unfreeze" such gatherings - whether its business or leisure. The ability to communicate with others some of the fun and the starting is the manifestation of good behavior, which is to bring comfort to others, preferring to ourselves.May require a shift from the behavior of "guest" to the behavior of the "host" or other initiative, the definition of ourselves, a special effort, but we exercise, soon We will have confidence in ourselves that we were trying to manufacture for others.
Not necessarily that which hurts hurts Miswak
.. Some people may move beyond the pain ..
And entered into a stage of apathy and indifference ..!!!
Things hurt!!
- To lose things not in Hspank is lost ..
- To open your eyes to the reality of day you do not want ..
- That counts the number of Antekasatk Faadzk count ..
- To wish the return time is over .. beautiful
- To remember a man dear departed never to return ..
- To discover that no one around you .. Miswak
- To call out loud do not raise your voice ..
- To feel injustice and fail to win for yourself ..
- To put under your feet the most beautiful Mladic to go up high and reach the summit ..
- That tend not to storm humiliation Tguetek of your place, which is keen to stay where ..
- To smile in the face of a man wish to spit in his face and go ..
- Close your eyes to a beautiful dream and wake up on the illusion of a painful ..
- To see things around you become infected and suffer in silence ..
- To extend your hand to lift them to Fashpk Igrack with him ..
- That you feel lost many things, your age is no longer allowed to retrieve them ..
- To meet people Hatrk yourself days of life concerns that can detect
May Gapetk for his memory completely ..
- To pass a moment you wish to get rid of the memory ..
- To sit with yourself do not find it ..
- To change those around you suddenly .. And without introductions to psychologically prepare you to accept it ..
- To annihilate half your age growing roses in their way ..
And annihilate the other half your age to avoid that Ohoakem planted in your way ..
- To discover after the time that you have included in the list of idiots ..
- Days to arrive to the conclusion that each of you taking over the spot and before you ..
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