الجمعة، 1 فبراير 2013

Peace, mercy and blessings of God

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alymatrix007: اهلا
alymatrix007: Peace, mercy and blessings of God and
Apha Grace Bagang: ?
alymatrix007: Peace, mercy and blessings of God and
alymatrix007: Peace, mercy and blessings of God and
alymatrix007: Welcome pleased you
Apha Grace Bagang: thanks
Apha Grace Bagang: from wer are you sir?
alymatrix007: I know from me as possible, to give you
alymatrix007: egypt
Apha Grace Bagang: hmmm…okie.. cairo?
Apha Grace Bagang: hmmm…okie.. cairo?
Apha Grace Bagang: i think your a religious person
alymatrix007: yes
Apha Grace Bagang: i think your a religious person
alymatrix007: I’m pleased you Ahmed from Cairo to welcome you at any time and place
Apha Grace Bagang: thats good…ur a muslim right?
Apha Grace Bagang: thats good…ur a muslim right?
Apha Grace Bagang: me im a christian… hope its not a big issue with you as me as a christian
Apha Grace Bagang: thank you… i want to see those beautiful pyramids ib your country
alymatrix007: I am a Muslim and I hope to know what Islam is just an idea
Apha Grace Bagang: i know though we are different in religion…we still have one thing in common… that is to spread the goodness of each other
Apha Grace Bagang: goodness of our creator…
alymatrix007: come you to draw you to the ground and received the honor you
Apha Grace Bagang: i know u believe in allah… ur bible is koran… did u visit the mecca?
Apha Grace Bagang: even here in philippines there r lots of muslim
Apha Grace Bagang: even here in philippines there r lots of muslim
Apha Grace Bagang: even here in philippines there r lots of muslim
alymatrix007: Yes, we love you because you know God
Apha Grace Bagang: even here in philippines there r lots of muslim
Apha Grace Bagang: even here in philippines there r lots of muslim
Apha Grace Bagang: do you work? wat is ur profession?
alymatrix007: I was there a significant difference between Christians and Muslims is no time to explain it now
alymatrix007: Yes, I work specialty industrial gases
Apha Grace Bagang: even here in philippines there r lots of muslim
Apha Grace Bagang: me im a teacher
Apha Grace Bagang: even here in philippines there r lots of muslim
Apha Grace Bagang: even here in philippines there r lots of muslim
alymatrix007: Possible, your name and your image
Apha Grace Bagang: if we will going to discuss our religion…we wont be able to finish…
Apha Grace Bagang: what do u mean..possible my name and image?
Apha Grace Bagang: what do u mean..possible my name and image?
Apha Grace Bagang: im alpha… do you kniw whats the meaning of my name
alymatrix007: Yes Meky the right words are true
alymatrix007: I mean what is your name and I want to watch your photo
alymatrix007: http://tanzil.net/#trans/en.sahih/19:12
Apha Grace Bagang: thank you my name is alpha…it means first my second me is grace-means blessing…im the first blessing in the family my name is ALPHA GRACE
alymatrix007: ok
Apha Grace Bagang: h
Apha Grace Bagang: can i ask you something?
alymatrix007: yes
Apha Grace Bagang: yes u have lots of puctures in facebook…it would take you many hours see them?
alymatrix007: http://www.facebook.com/aly.matrix
Apha Grace Bagang: why did you ask me to change my picture o tagged? do you believe its indescent?
alymatrix007: Yes, I am a Muslim man should not be seen naked bodies of women because it is haraam
alymatrix007: Yes, I am a Muslim man should not see the bodies of naked women to Anaagill is not valid
Apha Grace Bagang: but im not naked sir…?
alymatrix007: Yes, You are a respectable human being and appreciate the piece and I am happy to knowingly and beautiful we are delighted to be the owners of
alymatrix007: I do not mean you are naked and I mean clothes that reveal some parts of the body
Apha Grace Bagang: ohhhh… i understand… r u concern about it?
alymatrix007: www.skype.com
alymatrix007: Yes, I do not like to watch some women’s bodies because of the instinct not to unfold as they raise lust
alymatrix007: http://sweet-300.maktoobblog.com/1571027/%D8%A7%D8%AD%D9%84%D9%89-2/
Apha Grace Bagang: yah… thanks for your concern
alymatrix007: concern??
alymatrix007: Yes, it was better to say thank you for your keenness on virtue and morality taught by Islam
Apha Grace Bagang: hmmm…. i am in the beach on that time
You have sent 1 photo to Apha Grace Bagang.
A problem occurred while transferring the file "put a smile.gif". The transfer has been stopped.
Apha Grace Bagang: can reciv the data im using a phone now
Apha Grace Bagang: wat are you doing now?
Apha Grace Bagang: cant aceept the picture coz im using a phone
You have invited teacher_alpha to start photo sharing.
You can wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Shift+C) the invitation. 
You have canceled the file transfer.
alymatrix007: ‘m at home after 2 hours will go to work
alymatrix007: What time is it now Is it hot you have now
Apha Grace Bagang: ohhh okie… take care always
Apha Grace Bagang: ohhh okie… take care always
alymatrix007: ok
Apha Grace Bagang: ohhh okie… take care always
Apha Grace Bagang: its 2pm..not hot its cloudy
Apha Grace Bagang: its 2pm..not hot its cloudy
Apha Grace Bagang: can accept coz im using a phone now
Apha Grace Bagang: can accept coz im using a phone now
Apha Grace Bagang: i cant accept you file dear
Apha Grace Bagang: i cant accept you file dear
alymatrix007: yes
Apha Grace Bagang: i cant accept you file dear
alymatrix007: yes
Apha Grace Bagang: i cant accept you file dear
Apha Grace Bagang: i cant accept you file dear
alymatrix007: yes
A problem occurred while transferring the file " ". The transfer has been stopped.
A problem occurred while transferring the file " ". The transfer has been stopped.
A problem occurred while transferring the file " ". The transfer has been stopped.
alymatrix007: ok
alymatrix007: Do any SOAL me under command you
Apha Grace Bagang: i cant accept you file..maybe wen i use my laptop
Apha Grace Bagang: i cant accept you file..maybe wen i use my laptop
alymatrix007: ok
Apha Grace Bagang: what¿
Apha Grace Bagang: what
Apha Grace Bagang: what
Apha Grace Bagang: SOAL
A problem occurred while transferring the file " ". The transfer has been stopped.
alymatrix007: I mean any queries
alymatrix007: Do you like to learn Arabic?
Apha Grace Bagang: ohhh…. did u send all those girls in tagged tat kind of comment… those who wear like mine?
Apha Grace Bagang: ohhh…. did u send all those girls in tagged tat kind of comment… those who wear like mine?
Apha Grace Bagang: ohhh…. did u send all those girls in tagged tat kind of comment… those who wear like mine?
Apha Grace Bagang: even i like to learn… i think it would take time for me to learn
alymatrix007: all are respected friends of friends of the owners of not wear revealing clothes
alymatrix007: ok
Apha Grace Bagang: did you invite me to be your friend on tagged orci invited you?
alymatrix007: yes Gladly
Apha Grace Bagang: wat yes? who invited? me or you?
alymatrix007: can understand the respectable friends of friends Trussely
I did not understand the meaning of your words
alymatrix007: ?
alymatrix007: ?
Apha Grace Bagang: okie
Apha Grace Bagang: okie
Apha Grace Bagang: okie
Anti scratching yourself to them and do you recognize them
Apha Grace Bagang: okay… ok
Apha Grace Bagang: okay… ok
alymatrix007: Are you married
Apha Grace Bagang: yes… but complicated
alymatrix007: Are there problems or divorce or separation?
Apha Grace Bagang: may be planning for separar
Apha Grace Bagang: separation
Apha Grace Bagang: planning for separation
alymatrix007: Why is this separation that you allow your Li Shi tells me all the confidence of the owners of Ka
Apha Grace Bagang: what? can understand u?
alymatrix007: Why is separation from your husband? Possible to tell me why
Apha Grace Bagang: because of many problem…having a hard time living with him
Apha Grace Bagang: because of many problem…having a hard time living with him
alymatrix007: Do you like her subjection Is it me you or your husband?
Apha Grace Bagang: immaturity… insecurity…
Apha Grace Bagang: wat?… please cant understand make it clear
alymatrix007: Is is the youngest you can not do that in order to provide safety?
Apha Grace Bagang: i still cant get your point…
Apha Grace Bagang: i think separation is a good idea for us…
Apha Grace Bagang: i think separation is a good idea for us…
alymatrix007: ok
Apha Grace Bagang: how about u are u married?
What women want to nights? Do you mean you want the sex?
alymatrix007: Sexual matters is not the reason I was there and other things
Apha Grace Bagang: no… no… no…
Apha Grace Bagang: no… no… no…
Apha Grace Bagang: you dont get it….
Apha Grace Bagang: how about fashion… its fashion…
Apha Grace Bagang: how about fashion… its fashion…
alymatrix007: Governor of the meaning of I am afraid of God in all my behavior with others
alymatrix007: ssue is not a fashion and I conduct spiritual about her husband’s clothes we wear respectable body without revealing the fact that women do not have to reveal her body to strangers
Apha Grace Bagang: ohhhh maybe its all because of our culture…
Apha Grace Bagang: some people believe if they wear those clothea they are more pretty or beautiful… or some think they are gud looking with that?
Apha Grace Bagang: what are your hobbies?
Apha Grace Bagang: what are your hobbies?
Apha Grace Bagang: hobbies- what do u usually do wen your not working?
Apha Grace Bagang: hobbies- what do u usually do wen your not working?
alymatrix007: We differ from you in many things, including humanitarian and modesty confound you clothes does not mean you that Shi was revealing or protecting the body because of the different culture and religion of nature and ideas of people to be free
alymatrix007: I am a hobby, but not for me to write Walnut and chat and solve problems of the people on the net of my hobbies in the tourism and think of God’s creation of beautiful things in life because it Tqrbeny to God the great Creator One King
Apha Grace Bagang: it doesnt also mean that when you wear revealing clothes all you want ia sex right?… you just wear the clothes coz u think its pretty…
Apha Grace Bagang: wat do you do when you are not working?
alymatrix007: I am a hobby, but not for me to write Walnut and chat and solve problems of the people on the net of my hobbies in the tourism and think of God’s creation of beautiful things in life because it Tqrbeny to God the great Creator One King
Apha Grace Bagang: wat do u do when your not working?
Apha Grace Bagang: wat do u do when your not working?
alymatrix007:   am a hobby, but not for me to write Walnut and chat and solve problems of the people on the net of my hobbies in the tourism and think of God’s creation of beautiful things in life to Anhaaffhm the meaning of God the Creator is the one great King
Apha Grace Bagang: and wht do you think about my profile picture now on tagged… does it shows respect now?
Apha Grace Bagang: and wht do you think about my profile picture now on tagged… does it shows respect now?
alymatrix007: Your beautiful and I found some images do not fit the common
Apha Grace Bagang: you found some images that do not fit the common… like what?…
alymatrix007: Yes, your respected all that is good for people and mates
Apha Grace Bagang: how about my profile picture here in yahoo… does it fit?
Apha Grace Bagang: you found some images that do not fit the common… like what?…
alymatrix007: Is my girlfriend ask you to spread this chat on my blog? Do you agree either do not respect your opinion
Apha Grace Bagang: you found some images that do not fit the common… like what?…
alymatrix007: yes or mo
Apha Grace Bagang: what do women usually wear in your country?
Apha Grace Bagang: you found some images that do not fit the common… like what?…
alymatrix007: no
Apha Grace Bagang: you found some images that do not fit the common… like what?…
Apha Grace Bagang: you found some images that do not fit the common… like what?…
Apha Grace Bagang: you found some images that do not fit the common… like what?…
Apha Grace Bagang: you found some images that do not fit the common… like what?…
Apha Grace Bagang: you found some images that do not fit the common… like what?…
alymatrix007: ok
Apha Grace Bagang: you found some images that do not fit the common… like what?…
Apha Grace Bagang: you found some images that do not fit the common… like what?…
Apha Grace Bagang: you found some images that do not fit the common… like what?…
Apha Grace Bagang: wht do you mean?
Apha Grace Bagang: you found some images that do not fit the common… like what?…
Apha Grace Bagang: you found some images that do not fit the common… like what?…
Apha Grace Bagang: what do you mean about your girlfriend?
Apha Grace Bagang: what do you mean about your girlfriend?
alymatrix007: I respect your look and anti free piece in your photos and short clothes, anti this anti defect free and I respect your freedom and I just advice from a friend
I mean is the friendship between the young and the young girl who takes the character of sex without marriage is that we do not
alymatrix007: Clothing due to the short culture in the country’s liberal
Apha Grace Bagang: i understand now sir
alymatrix007: This girlfriend usually there is no friendship is not about us and the dissolution of the genus
Apha Grace Bagang: yah right
alymatrix007: Post this chat or not?
Apha Grace Bagang: im happy to have you as my friend
Apha Grace Bagang: im happy to have you as my friend
alymatrix007: Hard and I hope I am happy to be owners
Apha Grace Bagang: why will i post?
Apha Grace Bagang: wat do you mean?
Apha Grace Bagang: you know what even though sometimes im having a hard time to understand you… i still know you are a good man… and you respect other people like you respect your self
alymatrix007: I mean I own 3 blogs and post articles related to Do you allow your friends of friends to spread the chat on the blog or not, so that option and I thank you at do you think of Ahmed and happiness, I hope so
Apha Grace Bagang: if thats hg
alymatrix007: May have different language and thought do not become aware Ahmed well
Apha Grace Bagang: if thata what you want it fine with me
Apha Grace Bagang: if thata what you want it fine with me
Apha Grace Bagang: its okay with me
alymatrix007: I did not understand the meaning of your words last
alymatrix007: yes
alymatrix007: yes
Apha Grace Bagang: i mean its fine to post if thats what you want…
Apha Grace Bagang: do you want to post them?
Apha Grace Bagang: do you want to post them?
alymatrix007: yes
alymatrix007: I find that talking Meky interesting and useful
alymatrix007: I find interesting and useful talk
Apha Grace Bagang: finee… you can post…
Apha Grace Bagang: finee… you can post…
Apha Grace Bagang: do you have work?
Apha Grace Bagang: do you have work?
alymatrix007: thanksssssssssssssss
Apha Grace Bagang: can i ask you something?
Apha Grace Bagang: can i ask you something?
Apha Grace Bagang: can i ask you something?
alymatrix007: yes
Apha Grace Bagang: thank you also
Apha Grace Bagang: thank you also
alymatrix007: After hours
  Would you like to sleep
Apha Grace Bagang: maybe some other time..
Apha Grace Bagang: maybe some other time..
alymatrix007: ok
Apha Grace Bagang: no..its 4pm here
Apha Grace Bagang: no..its 4pm here
Apha Grace Bagang: did i tell you that i am a teacher?
Apha Grace Bagang: did i tell you that i am a teacher?
Apha Grace Bagang: did i tell you that i am a teacher?
alymatrix007: D you happy to speak with Ahmed
Apha Grace Bagang: did i tell you that i am a teacher?
alymatrix007: yes
Apha Grace Bagang: yes im happy and glad…
alymatrix007: thanksssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Apha Grace Bagang: ivt
Apha Grace Bagang: i teacher grade 1 students…
alymatrix007: I hope to be useful, mentor and friend of Amin
Apha Grace Bagang: im a teacher for 9 years
alymatrix007: good
Apha Grace Bagang: wat is your work?
alymatrix007: Technical industrial gases
Apha Grace Bagang: ill be turning 30 on january 28…
alymatrix007: ?
Apha Grace Bagang: ill be turning 30 on january 28…
Apha Grace Bagang: wat is your work or position there?
Apha Grace Bagang: my birthday is on january 28
Apha Grace Bagang: my birthday is on january 28
alymatrix007: We manufacture industrial gases such as oxygen and nitrogen
Apha Grace Bagang: ohhhh….
Apha Grace Bagang: ohhhh….
alymatrix007: Merry Holiday with my best wishes in order to be happy
Apha Grace Bagang: thanks… you give me a gift? hahaha
Apha Grace Bagang: thanks… you give me a gift? hahaha
Apha Grace Bagang: thanks… you give me a gift? hahaha
Apha Grace Bagang: just joking
alymatrix007: Ahmed300 A  hmed300 A ask God Almighty for me and you at the beginning of the new year
That away from you three
And narrow
And concern
And it saves you three
And your family
And religion
And be pleased that the three
Capacity of a living
Grace and thanked
And longevity
And to distract you, three
And envious eye
Gul and venomous
And to help you to three
And thanked
And worship Him properly
Happy new year to all
Apha Grace Bagang: thanks
Last message received on 08/01 at 09:45 ص
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