Back to your mind and start solving the problem of unityseriously and hope; and see for your life differently and enjoy being in a developed country to recognize humansrenewed, and engage in science and sport and hobby andentertainment disciplined useful, not sit swallowed the pain and loneliness and parting parents, you تغربت to dosomething great and important, even if a character studyhard, but success after difficulty and diligence tastesanother, more sweetness and survival, come on the horizonfrom a coma need and pain, and Go in the study and identification of humans and spend time in useful things add you and those around you, as you see yourself and also provide inside you something ... will be the reality of yourlife, what would you choose for yourself and will provide
السبت، 2 فبراير 2013
what would you choose for yourself
Back to your mind and start solving the problem of unityseriously and hope; and see for your life differently and enjoy being in a developed country to recognize humansrenewed, and engage in science and sport and hobby andentertainment disciplined useful, not sit swallowed the pain and loneliness and parting parents, you تغربت to dosomething great and important, even if a character studyhard, but success after difficulty and diligence tastesanother, more sweetness and survival, come on the horizonfrom a coma need and pain, and Go in the study and identification of humans and spend time in useful things add you and those around you, as you see yourself and also provide inside you something ... will be the reality of yourlife, what would you choose for yourself and will provide
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